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Coffee + Codons

Issue 01

First published 9 Oct 2021



Coffee + Codons is a new publication from BINFSOC which contains short, little walkthroughs for practical bioinformatics tools or just as a practise for beginners. We also might share some already existing tools or tricks that we come across. The main idea is that these should be quick enough that you can follow along, while enjoying a cup of coffee. So grab your favourite mug, make yourself a beverage and follow along in this simple tutorial for making a command-line tool that translates DNA to protein.


This activity is for beginners to writing shell scripts, or those who just want to brush up on their UNIX skills.

In this activity, we'll try and create a simple shell script that translates a nucleotide sequence to an amino acid sequence (protein). We'll try to do it with simple UNIX tools that we already have at our disposal.

The goal

Our desired functionality (at first) is to treat the input to the program as one big sequence. An alternative would be to treat characters on a new line as a different sequence, but for now lets just handle one. Our use case should look like

$ echo 'gttttttttttattgttgacggcagccccctcntag' | translate 

Note that we are translating each codon (a 3-letter group of nucleotides) that appears in our input sequence into the appropriate amino acid character, including the STOP codon denoted by *. This can be done with a few tools; namely tr (translate) and sed (stream editor).


The first step is to create a new directory with the sample files given, so go ahead and clone the repository with $ git clone.

Our next step is to make a file to store our script, which we will write in bash. As always, we add our hashbang to the top of the file so our shell knows how to interpret our file. The best way to do this is to specify our env path instead of an absolute path to our bash installation. This way, other users can use our script no matter where their bash is installed. We can also change our permissions of the file so that we can execute the script from our shell.

$ pwd 
$ touch
$ echo "#! /usr/bin/env bash" > 
$ chmod +x

Formatting the input

Using your favourite text editor, open up and add the following command

tr -d '\n' |

This will remove all the newline characters found in the input, so that we are left with just the characters of the nucleotide sequence. The -d flag is used to tell tr to simply remove each occurrence of the given character (see more options with $ man tr). Note that the beauty of shell scripting like this is that we can just call commands in our file; and since these in-built programs already work as 'pipeline' tools, we don't have to worry about reading in from STDIN and outputting to STDOUT.

The next step would be to handle different cases (i.e. lowercase letters are different to uppercase). The simplest way is to convert everything to uppercase. Again, a little trick using tr:

tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' 

To check if this works, try giving your program some input. You can run your program from the command line and give some sample input using echo, again piping this through using the | character.

NOTE: you can always run the program from any directory by just typing in the name, by adding it to your $PATH variable. Alternatively you may have to type ./ instead.

$ echo 'abc' | transcribe 

Formatting the output

If your program's output isn't nicely separated from the shell's next prompt, you can add this to the end of the script:

echo -e

This will add a newline character after the output.

Translating with sed

Now we can attempt to 'translate' our DNA into amino acid letter codes. We can use regex matching for our 3-letter codons, and simply edit the input stream from STDIN in-place. A good tool for this is sed, which provides a kind of 'find and replace' functionality. For example, let's focus on Tryptophan, or Trp. Trp's single letter code is W, and its codon is TGG. Let's try this using sed, continuing our main pipeline in our script (remember to add the | symbol after the last tr command on the previous line)

sed "s/TGG/W/" 

The s symbol tells sed that we are replacing whatever we match. The thing we're 'finding' is between the first two /'s, and the thing we're replacing is between the 2nd and 3rd /'s. So, our program should now 'translate' the TGG codon to our amino acid W.

Let's see if it works.

$ echo 'TGG' | translate 

We can also try more complex input to see if our find-and-replace correctly ignores other letters.


It looks like our program can successfully translate Trp codons. But what happens if we try

$ echo 'TGGTGGTGG' 

Is the output what we expect?

See if you can figure out how to fix the problem.

HINT: try other 'tags' for sed. Remember to use the manual if in doubt!

man sed
sed --help

Additional codons

In the first amino acid we translated, Tryptophan, we only needed to 'find and replace' one codon. But this was because Trp is the only amino acid that has precisely 1 codon! All the others have more than one way of being translated; so we need to account for this. For example, Proline (Pro) is encoded by CCA, CCC, CCG, and CCT. This amounts to a lot of sed commands! However, we can use the sed's ability to handle regex expressions in the find-replace function using the s/// delimeters. In the case of Proline, we can simply use the face that the codons are two C's followed by any nucleotide letter and write the following:


where P is the one-letter symbol for Proline, and CC. matches the codons for it. We're using the . here to mean 'any character' exactly once, after the two C characters. Of course, this means that this regex also recognises codons such as CCX, CC$ and so on. But we're assuming that we get a valid nucleotide sequence here as our input.

BONUS: add an input checker at the beginning to ensure only valid nucleotide sequences are given.

EXTRA BONUS: see if you can add the translation for RNA sequences, not just DNA. How might you distinguish the two? Could the program even automatically determine if it was RNA vs DNA? When might the input be ambiguous?

Storing regex information in a separate file

As you might be already able to see, we're going to get a lot of lines needed for our sed commands, each piped into one another. A solution is to have all our necessary s///g blocks in a separate file, and let sed use the whole file to handle everything in one go.

You might want to look up a codon table for all the different codons for different amino acids, such as this one. Keep in mind that there are more than one codon tables out there, for different organisms.

Using your favourite text editor again, make a file called codon.sed and fill it with all the regex phrases, one per line that we will need to handle all amino acids. Remember that matching one out of a given set of characters can be done using []. For example, [ACGTN] matches exactly one A, or a C, or a G and so on.

Use the man page for sed to figure out how to use this file in a single pipeline command, and update our with this new line.

A problem

The problem with using sed to go one-by-one through each amino acid is that the order in which we find-and-replace matters. As an example, consider the input sequence CATCAT. The expected output should be HH, as CAT codes for Histadine. However, depending on how you have ordered your codon.sed regexes, you might also get Isoleucine (CIAT) or even Serine (CASAT)! This is because the two CAT codons create a different codon overlapping in between them; both TCA and ATC.

The good news is that we don't have to change our entire code -- in fact, there is a very simple command we can add just before the main sed command (the one that uses our codon file).

Can you think of a way to use another sed command before, that solves the problem of 'overlapping codons'? Note: you might have to add another command after the main sed line too, to 'cleanup' anything you've changed in the input.

HINT: what do you know about codons? Can you use anything to make certain constraints?

EXTRA HINT: are there any characters we can safely assume are not in the original input sequence? Are there any characters you know for certain are not in the input?

The codon table

As we mentioned before, the mappings for each 3-letter combination of nucleotides to each amino acid is dependent on a codon table. We simply hardcoded this into the various regexes used by sed.

Perhaps a more elegant way would be to have this table in-built to our program, and the ability to 'swap in' various other tables that suit our needs (for example, the mitochondrial code or other organisms that use different codon mappings. You can read more about this here).

As an additional activity, see if you can add a command line argument to the program that allows the user to input a given codon table (perhaps in CSV format); or maybe they can specify one of several 'default', in-built tables.

Extra features

Some additional features you might like to try and add, as a challenge:

  • Handle frameshifts
  • Handle ambiguity codes (for example, N means 'any nucleotide'
  • Convert between RNA and DNA sequences
  • Automatically detect nucleotide sequences versus amino acid sequences
  • Error handling (if user gives invalid input for example)


If you want to see the overall implementation, you can look at the src folder in this repository. However, if you want to get the most out of this, try doing the 'problem solving' yourself before looking at the solution!

If you've implemented any challenge solutions and want to contribute to the official solution, feel free to add a pull request or send an email to the BINFsights team. We'd also love any feedback you have, or ideas for future Coffee+Codons publications.

This tutorial by Cam McMenamie (


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