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Realtime Pub/Sub Client for Go

The realtime-pubsub-client-go is a Go client library for interacting with Realtime Pub/Sub applications. It enables developers to manage real-time WebSocket connections, handle subscriptions, and process messages efficiently. The library provides a simple and flexible API to interact with realtime applications, supporting features like publishing/sending messages, subscribing to topics, handling acknowledgements, and waiting for replies with timeout support.


  • WebSocket Connection Management: Seamlessly connect and disconnect from the Realtime Pub/Sub service with automatic reconnection support.
  • Topic Subscription: Subscribe and unsubscribe to topics for receiving messages.
  • Topic Publishing: Publish messages to specific topics with optional message types and compression.
  • Message Sending: Send messages to backend applications with optional message types and compression.
  • Event Handling: Handle incoming messages with custom event listeners.
  • Acknowledgements and Replies: Wait for gateway acknowledgements or replies to messages with timeout support.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling and logging capabilities.
  • Concurrency Support: Safe for use in concurrent environments with thread-safe operations.


Install the realtime-pubsub-client-go library using go get:

go get

Or, if you're using Go modules, simply import the package in your project, and Go will handle the installation.

Getting Started

This guide will help you set up and use the realtime-pubsub-client-go library in your Go project.


Working Examples

The following are working examples demonstrating how to use the realtime-pubsub-client-go library:

Subscribing to Incoming Messages

You can handle messages for specific topics and message types by registering event listeners. In this example we handle text-message messages under the chat topic:

client.On("chat.text-message", func (args ...interface{}) {
  // Extract message and reply function
  message, _ := args[0].(realtime_pubsub.IncomingMessage)
  replyFunc, _ := args[1].(realtime_pubsub.ReplyFunc)
  log.Printf("Received message: %v", message)
  // Reply to the message
  if err := replyFunc("Got it!", "ok"); err != nil {
  log.Printf("Failed to reply to message: %v", err)

Wildcard Subscriptions

Wildcard subscriptions are also supported, allowing you to handle multiple message types under a topic:

client.On("chat.*", func (args ...interface{}) {
  // Extract message and reply function
  message, _ := args[0].(realtime_pubsub.IncomingMessage)
  replyFunc, _ := args[1].(realtime_pubsub.ReplyFunc)

Publishing Messages

Publish messages to a topic using the Publish method:

topic:= "chat"
payload := "Hello, World!"
messageType := "text-message"

waitFor, err := client.Publish(topic, payload,
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to publish message: %v", err)

// Wait for acknowledgment
if _, err := waitFor.WaitForAck(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nil {
  log.Printf("Failed to receive acknowledgment: %v", err)

// Wait for a reply
reply, err := waitFor.WaitForReply(500 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
  log.Printf("Failed to receive reply: %v", err)
} else {
  log.Printf("Received reply: %v", reply["data"])

Sending Messages

Send messages to the server using the Send method:

waitFor, err := client.Send(map[string]interface{}{
  "action": "create",
  "data": map[string]interface{}{
    "name": "John Doe",
}, realtime_pubsub.WithSendMessageType("create-user"))
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Failed to send message: %v", err)

// Wait for acknowledgment
if _, err := waitFor.WaitForAck(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nil {
  log.Printf("Failed to receive acknowledgment: %v", err)

// Wait for a reply
reply, err := waitFor.WaitForReply(500 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
  log.Printf("Failed to receive reply: %v", err)
} else {
  log.Printf("Received reply: %v", reply.Data())

Handling Replies

Set up event listeners to handle incoming replies, use the ReplyFunc param to send replies to messages:

client.On("chat.text-message", func (args ...interface{}) {
  // Extract message and reply function
  message, _ := args[0].(realtime_pubsub.IncomingMessage)
  replyFunc, _ := args[1].(realtime_pubsub.ReplyFunc)
  log.Printf("Received message: %v", message)
  // Reply to the message
  replyPayload := "Got it!"
  replyStatus := "ok"
  if err := replyFunc(replyPayload, replyStatus); err != nil {
    log.Printf("Failed to reply to message: %v", err)

Waiting for Acknowledgements and Replies

  • Wait for Acknowledgement: Use WaitForAck to wait for a gateway acknowledgement after publishing or sending a message.

    if _, err := waitFor.WaitForAck(500 * time.Millisecond); err != nil {
      log.Printf("Failed to receive acknowledgment: %v", err)
  • Wait for Reply: Use WaitForReply to wait for a reply to your message with a specified timeout.

    reply, err := waitFor.WaitForReply(500 * time.Millisecond)
    if err != nil {
      log.Printf("Failed to receive reply: %v", err)
    } else {
      log.Printf("Received reply: %v", reply.Data())

Error Handling

Handle errors and disconnections gracefully:

client.On("error", func (args ...interface{}) {
  log.Printf("Received error: %v", args)

client.On("close", func (args ...interface{}) {
  log.Printf("Connection closed: %v", args)

API Reference



func NewClient(config Config) *Client

Creates a new Client instance.

  • config: Configuration options for the client.


  • Connect()

    func (c *Client) Connect()

    Establishes a connection to the WebSocket server.

  • Disconnect() error

    func (c *Client) Disconnect() error

    Terminates the WebSocket connection gracefully.

  • On(event string, listener ListenerFunc)

    func (c *Client) On(event string, listener ListenerFunc)

    Registers a listener for a specific event. Supports wildcard patterns.

  • Off(event string, id int)

    func (c *Client) Off(event string, id int)

    Removes a listener for a specific event using the listener ID.

  • Once(event string, listener ListenerFunc) int

    func (c *Client) Once(event string, listener ListenerFunc) int

    Registers a listener that will be called at most once for the specified event.

  • SubscribeRemoteTopic(topic string) error

    func (c *Client) SubscribeRemoteTopic(topic string) error

    Subscribes the client to a remote topic to receive messages.

  • UnsubscribeRemoteTopic(topic string) error

    func (c *Client) UnsubscribeRemoteTopic(topic string) error

    Unsubscribes the client from a remote topic.

  • Publish(topic string, payload interface{}, opts ...PublishOption) (*WaitFor, error)

    func (c *Client) Publish(topic string, payload interface{}, opts ...PublishOption) (*WaitFor, error)

    Publishes a message to a specified topic with optional configurations.

  • Send(payload interface{}, opts ...SendOption) (*WaitFor, error)

    func (c *Client) Send(payload interface{}, opts ...SendOption) (*WaitFor, error)

    Sends a message to the server with optional configurations.

  • WaitFor(event string, timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error)

    func (c *Client) WaitFor(event string, timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error)

    Waits for a specific event to occur within the given timeout.


  • 'session.started'

    Emitted when the session starts.

    client.On("session.started", func(args ...interface{}) {
      info := args[0].(realtime_pubsub.ConnectionInfo)
  • 'error'

    Emitted on WebSocket errors.

    client.On("error", func(args ...interface{}) {
      // Handle error
  • 'close'

    Emitted when the WebSocket connection closes.

    client.On("close", func(args ...interface{}) {
      // Handle close event
  • Custom Events

    Handle custom events based on topic and message type.

    client.On("topic1.action1", func(args ...interface{}) {
      // Handle specific message

    Wildcard Subscriptions

    client.On("topic1.*", func(args ...interface{}) {
      // Handle any message under topic1

Type Definitions


Represents a message received from the server.

type IncomingMessage map[string]interface{}


  • Topic() string

    Extracts the "topic" from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) Topic() string
  • Data() interface{}

    Extracts the "data" from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) Data() interface{}
  • MessageType() string

    Extracts the "messageType" from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) MessageType() string
  • Compression() bool

    Extracts the "compression" flag from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) Compression() bool
  • DataAsMap() map[string]interface{}

    Extracts the "data" as a map from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) DataAsMap() map[string]interface{}
  • DataAsPresenceMessage() PresenceMessage

    Extracts the "data" as a PresenceMessage from the message.

    func (m IncomingMessage) DataAsPresenceMessage() PresenceMessage


Represents a message sent by a client in response to an incoming message.

type ResponseMessage map[string]interface{}


  • Id() string

    Extracts the "id" from the response.

    func (m ResponseMessage) Id() string
  • Data() interface{}

    Extracts the "data" from the response.

    func (m ResponseMessage) Data() interface{}
  • Status() string

    Extracts the "status" from the response.

    func (m ResponseMessage) Status() string
  • DataAsMap() map[string]interface{}

    Extracts the "data" as a map from the response.

    func (m ResponseMessage) DataAsMap() map[string]interface{}


Defines the signature for reply functions used in event listeners.

type ReplyFunc func (data interface{}, status string, opts ...ReplyOption) error

Configuration Options


Configuration options for initializing the client.

type Config struct {
  Logger           *logrus.Logger
  WebSocketOptions WebSocketOptions
  • Logger: Optional. Pass a custom logger implementing the logrus.Logger interface for logging purposes. If not provided, the client uses the standard logger.
  • WebSocketOptions: Configuration options for the WebSocket connection.


Options for configuring the WebSocket connection.

type WebSocketOptions struct {
  URLProvider func () (string, error)
  • URLProvider: A function that returns the WebSocket URL for connecting to the Realtime Pub/Sub server. It can include dynamic parameters like access tokens.

API Components


Represents a mechanism to wait for acknowledgements or replies to messages.

type WaitFor struct {
  // Internal fields


  • WaitForAck(timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error)

    Waits for an acknowledgement of the published or sent message within the specified timeout.

    func (w *WaitFor) WaitForAck(timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error)
  • WaitForReply(timeout time.Duration) (map[string]interface{}, error)

    Waits for a reply to the published or sent message within the specified timeout.

    func (w *WaitFor) WaitForReply(timeout time.Duration) (map[string]interface{}, error)


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

For more detailed examples and advanced configurations, please refer to the documentation.


  • Environment Setup: Ensure that you have an account and an app set up with Realtime Pub/Sub.
  • Authentication: Customize the urlProvider function to retrieve the access token for connecting to your realtime application.
  • Logging: Use the Logger option to integrate with your application's logging system.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors and disconnections gracefully to improve the robustness of your application.
  • Timeouts: Handle timeouts when waiting for replies to avoid hanging operations.
  • Concurrency: The client is designed to be safe for use in concurrent environments, with thread-safe operations on its internal data structures. However, keep in mind that listeners are executed sequentially by default within the event loop. If your application requires concurrent handling of events, you can spawn goroutines within your listeners or implement custom thread pools for parallel processing. Additionally, if your listeners modify shared state, ensure that you manage synchronization (e.g., using mutexes or channels) to avoid race conditions or data corruption.
  • Wildcard Subscriptions: Utilize wildcard subscriptions (* and **) to handle multiple message types under a single topic efficiently.

Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests on GitHub.