To install Aslanpp tools using Docker images, use the following command:
docker run -it badaouimu/aslanpp-tools
It only works with OpenJDK 7, which is no longer supported by Oracle. To install it, you may use old images as an example:
docker run -it enoniccloud/java6
The repository is included by default, so proceed with:
apt update -y
apt install openjdk-7-jdk -y
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
I tested it, and the latest Maven version didn't work. It's better to use version 3.3.3:
cd apache-maven-3.3.3
cd bin/
export PATH=/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/:$PATH
apt install ghc ocaml make git wget zip nano sudo software-properties-common
git clone
cd Aslanpp-tools/file/
make setup
If you encounter installation bugs, potentially due to an outdated website, you can locate all the required packages under the "May Need" section.
Navigate to the file directory:
cd /file/
make aslan/name_of_aslanpp.aslan
make result/name_of_aslanpp.aslan.result
make result/name_of_aslanpp.result
make aslan/NSPK_Unsafe.aslan
make result/NSPK_Unsafe.aslan.result
make result/NSPK_Unsafe.result
cat result/NSPK_Unsafe.result # to see result
alias aslanpp-connector="java -jar /file/git/ASLanPPConnector/binaries/aslanpp-connector.jar"
aslanpp-connector -h
alias cl-atse="/file/git/cl-atse/cl-atse_bytecode-OCaml"
cl-atse -h