Collaborative coding editor base on Monaco Editor and OT algorithm
- Collaborative coding with all the conflicts auto merged.
- Undo/redo with OT enabled.
- Offline editing.
- Frontend and backend code all in one codebase with simple architecture.
- History list and preview, revert to any version as you wanted.
- Realtime edit with WebSocket.
- Show members in the same collaborate room on the top.
- Supports multiple document with different people.
This codebase is just for fun and learning OT algorithm. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT.
yarn install
cd web && yarn install
cd server && yarn install
# build frontend asserts
yarn build
# start backend server and host frontend asserts
# http://localhost:3123
yarn start
# http://localhost:3123
yarn dev:server
# http://localhost:3124
yarn dev:web
yarn test