This library can be used to remux from MKV -> MP4, it could technically do any remux but i haven't had the need for it, create an issue if you'd like it.
src/test.ts Contains a full example of a MKV video player
Basic usage
const remuxer = await makeRemuxer({
// the path at which the wasm file is getting served
publicPath: new URL('/dist/', new URL(import.meta.url).origin).toString(),
// url of the worker file of libavWASM
workerUrl: new URL('../build/worker.js', import.meta.url).toString(),
// reads are done in 2.5mb chunks
bufferSize: 2_500_000,
// byte length of the video file
length: contentLength,
// fetch returning a ReadableStream
getStream: async (offset, size) =>
headers: {
Range: `bytes=${offset}-${size ? Math.min(offset + size, contentLength) - 1 : ''}`
).then(res => res.body)
// callback where you'll receive the subtitle chunks
subtitle: (title, language, subtitle) => {
// console.log('SUBTITLE HEADER', title, language, subtitle)
// callback where you'll receive the attachments
attachment: (filename: string, mimetype: string, buffer: ArrayBuffer) => {
// console.log('attachment', filename, mimetype, buffer)
// Returns a chunk that looks like {
// isHeader: boolean,
// offset: number,
// buffer: Uint8Array,
// pos: number,
// pts: number, // timestamp
// duration: number
// }
// buffer can be appended to the MediaSource API(MSE API)
const chunk = await
// allows you to seek to timestamp and start reading from there
To have C++ autocompletion, put a ffmpeg repo clone folder in the root
git clone
& git clone
- Transcoding
- Decoding + canvas rendering
- Thumbnail extraction