Azure Functions implementation that accepts a JSON request and transforms the template/data properties into a string result via Handlebars.
"template": "{{message}}",
"data": {
"message": "Hello, World!"
Response (text/html):
"Hello, World!"
It's also possible to change the response content-type via an aptly named contentType property
"template": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><message>{{message}}</message>",
"data": {
"message": "Hello, World!"
"contentType": "text/xml"
Response (text/xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message>Hello, World!</message>
In addition to the Handlebars built-in helpers, the following helpers are available:
- eachBySort: Sorts the specified data by the specified property and applies the template for each.
"template": "<div class=\"entry\">
{{#eachBySort tasks 'orderHint' 'desc'}}
"data": {
"tasks": [
"title": "something or other",
"orderHint": 12345
"title": "the first one",
"orderHint": 1000
"contentType": "text/html"
- currentTime: Writes the current time in the specified time zone and date/time format. Optionally: culture.
"template": "<div class=\"entry\">
{{currentTime 'Eastern Standard Time' 'MM-dd-yyyy h:m tt'}}
"data": {}
- addHours: Same as currentTime but adds the specified number of hours
"template": "<div class=\"entry\">
{{addHours 'Eastern Standard Time' '12' 'MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm tt'}}
"data": {}
- format: For the given string, attempts to parse as (1) a date time (2) a number and formats the result
"template": "<div class=\"entry\">
{{format startWorkTime 'h:mm tt'}}
"data": { "startWorkTime": "2009/03/01T10:00:00-3:00"}
- humanize - Turn an otherwise computerized string into a more readable human-friendly one.
- dehumanize - Dehumanize a human friendly string into a computer friendly one: