A project developped at HEIG-VD in the PDG course in a team of 5 people: Sébastien Boson, Antoine Drabble, Sébastien Richoz, Mathieu Urstein and Basile Vu.
It consists in a web platform on which users can trade objects. Various filters are provided to find objects, such as object proximity, price range, categories and so on.
The home page with popular tradable items
Overview of an item with its various details and possible interactions
Various search filters can be applied, with advanced filters such as distance and/or price ranges
- Python 3.6
- npm 3.10.10
- Sass 3.5.1
Begin by cloning the repo and go into it:
$ git clone git@github.com:BasileVu/swapp.git
$ cd swapp
Before running the command below, you may want to setup a virtualenv in order to avoid installing the packages globally.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ npm install
$ grunt
Before anything, you must apply the Django migrations:
python manage.py migrate
Optionally, you can pre-populate the database with examples:
$ python populate.py
You can run the server by running the command below:
$ python manage.py runserver
The app should be running at