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A simple tic-tac-toe game with an implementation of the minimax-algorithm made in Java.

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TicTacToe with MiniMaxAlgorithm

Programming project for the lecture Advanced Programming

Daniel Jauß, Gianluca Pierro, Lea Mayer, Lukas Lange, Sophia Bühl, Jonathan Baß

Preliminary Remarks

You have to set up IntelliJ IDE for JavaFX to work. A short tutorial can be found at the end.
There you will also find a link for the JavaFX sdk download. Please make sure to download the correct version!
In the original projekt, music is played in the background. It changes depending on the scene and difficulty.
Because of copyright reasons we removed the original music a replaced it with a temporary dummy.
To use the music-feature you just have to copy your music files into res/game/ and change the constants in line
76 to 79 to the file name (not the URL or URI! These are generated automatically.).


TicTacToe is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who takt turns marking the spaces in a 3x3 grid.
The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winner.
The game UI is build using JavaFX and follows a Model-View-Controller structure.
The main game consists of three individual scenes:


The main menu is the scene shown at startup and enables the user to choose a difficulty for the game.
Furthermore you can open the settings scene by clicking on the corresponding button.
And of course, you can exit the game.


The game-scene consists out of nine tiles (If the boardWidth is set to 3). The Tile class is a child of the button class.
Each Tile can be clicked to set the "O" when it is your turn.
Depending on the chosen gameMode, you will be playing against different "AIs".

  • Easy: The AI places the "X" on a random Tile.
  • Medium: The "X" is placed with a probability of 50% from the MiniMax "AI".
  • Hard: The AI places the "X" on a Tile based of the algorithm.


In the settings' scene, there is a short description of the game and how to play it.
In addition you can adjust the volume of the music.
NOTE: Do not press the button on the bottom!

The MiniMax Algorithm

The minimax algorithm used in this project is a variation form the vanilla version.
It improves the speed of a win or a tie by adding the amount of moves it would take to reach a certain constellation into consideration.
This way, wins are targeted faster and the human player has no possibility to win while playing the hard mode.
The best achievable outcome is a tie.

Setting up IntelliJ for JavaFX

Instructions on how to set up the IntelliJ IDE:
NOTE: This project was build using Java16. For best compatibility use JavaFX sdk 16!
[1. Download JavaFX packages]
[2. Adding JavaFX as library]


A simple tic-tac-toe game with an implementation of the minimax-algorithm made in Java.







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