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Discode is a Discord bot that runs code.


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Discode is a Discord bot that runs code.

It has been originally written for C++ support and it will remain the priority.


I spend a lot of time on Discord and I hang out in several programming related servers. It's quite common place to see people asking for help about their code but it's sometimes hard to help out them since :

  • "Sorry, I'm on mobile, I can't help you at the moment, I'll do it later."
  • "I don't have your configuration for running your code so I can't really figure out what's your problem since I would get different results from you."

Also, this can be useful when we want to give examples and get instant, nice looking and embedded results within Discord, without any tool at hand.

How does it work?

Discode is written in Python, using library for interacting with Discord, wandbox's API for running codes and pastebin for long codes / results. I may switch from wandbox to godbolt when it'll support code execution (see this issue), since godbolt provides more compilers and allows to get resulting assembly code. For info about using the bot, see here.

What does it support?

Discode supports 32 programming languages, listed below:

Show supported languages
  • Bash script
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • CoffeeScript
  • Crystal
  • D
  • Elixir
  • Erlang
  • F#
  • Go
  • Groovy
  • Haskell
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Lazy K
  • Lisp
  • Lua
  • Nim
  • OCaml
  • PHP
  • Pascal
  • Perl
  • Pony
  • Python
  • Rill
  • Ruby
  • Rust
  • SQL
  • Scala
  • Swift
  • Vim script

You can list these languages using the [p]list_languages command.

Moreover, it also provides:

  • Multi code files support
  • Multiple compilers / interpreters
  • Code from pastebin
  • Compiler options (compiler flags)
  • Runtime options (program parameters)
  • User input

Installing & Running

To be done.

How to use the bot?

At the momment, the bot is based on an unique command, called code. However, this command may appears complex at first glance.

Basic use

The most basic way to use the bot is to directly provide code using Markdown syntax.


[p]code ```cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello world!\n";
    return 0;

where [p] is the bot prefix (in the picture below, the prefix is >).

cpp is a Markdown identifier, meaning that the following code must be identified as C++. This identifier is also used for the bot to know which language to use for evaluating the code. You can use [p]list_identifiers to list all the identifiers known by the bot for the different available languages.


Show result



If your code is too long, you can instead provide a link to your code, uploaded previously on pastebin. You then need to specify the parameter code when using the command. The link must be surrounded by the character ` (AltGr + 7 on most azerty keyboards and the key just on the left of the 1 on most qwerty keyboards), as shown below:

code ``

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

If your pastebin doesn't have syntax highlighting or if you pass the link to the raw code, you would need to specify the programming language:

code ``
language C++

Handle user input

The parameter input interacts directly with your program. As for code parameter, the inputs must be surrounded by the character `. Every line corresponds to a different input. Check out the example if it's not clear.


[p]code ```cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
	std::string name,
	std::cin >> name;
	std::getline(std::cin, passion);
	std::cout << "Your name is " << name << " and you love " << passion << "!\n";
    	return 0;
input `Beafantles
solving puzzles`


Show result



If your program asks for user inputs but you don't provide any input, default values will be used instead, as shown below:



Multi-files handling

You can also provides several files for evaluation. These files must be hosted on pastebin. You can then provide these files to the bot, using the code parameter. The first line of this parameter must be a pastebin link. Then, every line must be a pair of 2 elements : the file name and the pastebin link to its content. Actually, the first file has a fixed name, that's why only the pastebin link is required. This name can be retrieved using the [p]list_main_file_names command.


code `
First file ( -
#include <iostream>
#include "additional_file.hpp"

int main()
    std::cout << "File name: " << __FILE__ << "\n"
              << "a = " << a << "\n";
	return 0;
Second file ( - additional_file.hpp
int a = 1337;


Show result


Specifying an engine

You may want to set a specific compiler / interpreter for evaluating your code. You can specify it using the engine parameter. You can list all available engines for an available language using the [p]list_engines language_name command.


[p]code ```py
print "Hello world!"```
engine cpython-2.7.3


Show result


Specifying compiler / runtime options

You can also specify options for compilation / execution of your programm, respectively using compiler-options and runtime-options parameters. Though, such options aren't available for every engines. These options are command-line flags.


[p]code ```cpp
int main()
	int a;
	return 0;
compiler-options -Wall


Show result


Upcoming features / ideas

⚠️ I don't work on this project on a regular basis but rather when I want to. Don't expect any precise date for these features / ideas to be released. ⚠️

  • Gist support.
  • More programming languages support (however, I would appreciate not to use several API for code evaluating).
  • Compilation / execution duration (wandbox's API doesn't give these info though...).
  • Language reference research.
  • Beautify codes.
  • Allow use of most common libraries (like boost for C++).
  • Upload user request + result as a picture (currently working on it).


  • The code command must be refactored.
  • Implement a security system to avoid being rate limited by the APIs.


Feel free to submit improvments / features / ideas by creating an issue to this project.

If you see any bugs, please create an issue with the details.

If you wanna merge your improvments, please ensure your code respects the google's formatting style by running beautify.bat if you're on Windows or if you're on Linux.




  • Updated the bot for the new version of
  • Removed the logger because it was taking too much place on the disk.
  • Removed a very time-consuming operation from info command.
  • Fixed a bug with bug and improvement commands.
  • Fixed a bug with code command (compiler & runtime options weren't taken into account).



  • Added invite command. Thanks Starwort#6129 for the suggestion.
  • Added configuration system for each users. You can now configure your own default settings when submitting code (see config command).
  • Added the option output_only for the command code. With this option enabled, only the output of the program will be displayed in the case there are no errors nor warnings. Thanks ViChyavIn#0299 for the suggestion.
  • Added a hint when the command code is not invoked correctly.



  • Fixed a bug where 'status' was displayed when submitting some codes.
  • Fixed bot's description (which was stating that only C++ was supported).
  • You can now specify the engine you want to use using its ID (which can be displayed with the [p]list_engines <language_name>). Thanks PhirosWolf#5460 for this suggestion.
  • You can now mention the bot to invoke commands. This is an alias for the classic prefix which should avoid prefixes conflicts. Thanks sha_dryx#2417 for this suggestion.
  • Language identifiers now work with lowercase and uppercase (as Discord accepts both). Thanks sha_dryx#2417 for this suggestion.



  • Fixed a bug on the command code. Using the parameter language was causing an error.
  • Fixed a bug where a same module could be loaded several times .
  • Added the commands bug and improvement to submit an issue / an improvement.
  • Added the invitation link to the development server in the info command.
  • Added the help message for the code command.


  • Updated requirements for correct installation.
  • Fixed a little bug on info command which wasn't showing the complete Python version in some cases.


[1.0.0] First version of the bot.


Discode is a Discord bot that runs code.







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  • Python 99.8%
  • Other 0.2%