Neural network examples using OpenVX. Yolo and InceptionV3 running on OpenVX. Both of these samples were generated by conveting existing caffe nets to OpenVX using AMD's Caffe to OpenVX tool
The converter only generates a program which takes a raw input and raw output file so I've included scripts to convert an image to the proper input and a parser for the outputs.
Since both of these were generated using AMD's tool, it will look for the OpenVX includes and libraries in /opt/rocm by default so you'll have to change this in the CMakeLists.txt if you're running on a non-rocm setup.
To do this just modify the lines:
include_directories (/opt/rocm/include)
link_directories (/opt/rocm/lib)
Input into this net is a 1x3x416x416 tensor and the output is 1x425x12x12. The net was taked from here (tiny_yolo_deploy.prototxt)
Build the sample:
(Modify CMakeLists.txt if needed)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Preprocess the input:
python images/dog.jpg images/dog.raw
Run the net:
./build/anntest $PWD images/dog.raw prediction.raw
Parse output: You need also pass in the original image passed into the parser so it can overlay the predicted boxes on top of it.
python prediction.raw images/dog.jpg
Input into this net is a 1x3x299x299 tensor and the output is 1x1000x1x1. Build the sample:
(Modify CMakeLists.txt if needed)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Preprocess the input:
python images/grace_hopper.jpg images/grace_hopper.raw
Run the net:
./build/anntest $PWD images/grace_hopper.raw prediction.raw
Parse output:
python prediction.raw