Generate a ๐ Start UI project in a new folder.
yarn create start-ui --web [projectName] # Generate a start-ui-web project
yarn create start-ui --native [projectName] # Generate a start-ui-native project
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --version Display CLI version
--web PROJECT_PATH Scaffold a brand new StartUI [Web] project
--native PROJECT_PATH Scaffold a brand new StartUI [Native] project
--branch BRANCH_NAME Specify the git branch used to clone the project
--no-git-init Ignore `git init` step
--no-package-install Ignore node packages install step
# Create a new web project
yarn create start-ui --web my-web-project
# Skip git repo initialization
yarn create start-ui --web --no-git-init my-web-project
- Link the repository to your system with the following command:
yarn link
- Test your local package in any directory:
yarn create start-ui --web [projectName]
- After testing, remove the linked repository:
yarn unlink