- Create chat rooms providing their links web publishing;
- Establish client-service WebSocket connections;
- Implement WebRTC SDP Offers and ICE Candidates negotiation;
- Test peer-to-peer video chatting.
This project has been built with Gradle, server side is written in Java 8 using Spring Boot, client is in Java Script. Application web entry: http://localhost:8080 (https://localhost:4883 for the Secure Test version on the test branch). The back side uses the following frameworks and technologies:
- Spring Boot 2.0.5 with starter web, validation, and thymeleaf dependencies needed for the web server;
- Spring Web Socket to establish connection between signalling server and clients;
- HTML 5 to provide Web RTC interaction between clients;
- Spring Boot Starter-test provides JUnit 4, Mockito, AssertJ, other libraries used to test back-side.
This GitHub repository has 3 branches:
- main - latest stable version working on http://localhost:8080
- develop - to maintain product development;
- test - includes self-signed sertificates to test video chatting on mobile devices (such as Android Chromium, which forbid http connection to local host), use https://localhost:4883 to reach this version, and let your browser ingnore a warning about the certificate.
- MainController provides HTTP requests handling, model processing and view presentation;
- Domain package includes domain model and service;
- Web Socket based Web RTC Signalling Server is located under the Socket directory;
- Config and Util packages contain configuration and utility classes respectively;
- Test section contains unit and integration backside tests;
- Resources folder keeps application.yml configuration file, certificates (in test branch), frontside templates and static content (CSS, Java Script files).
Method | URI | Description |
Get | "", "/", "/index", "/home", "/main" | main page application web entry point |
Post | "/room" | process room selection form |
Get | "/room/{sid}/user/{uuid}" | select a room to enter; sid - room number, uuid - user id |
Get | "/room/{sid}/user/{uuid}/exit" | a room exit point for the user selected |
Get | "/room/random" | generates random room number |
Get | "/offer" | demonstrates sample SDP offer |
Get | "/stream" | demonstrates streaming video resolution selection |
- Build a Docker image running in the Terminal
./gradlew build docker --info
- Select recently built image, tagged
- Push selected image to Docker hub
- Pull and run uploaded image in local Docker with
docker run -p 8080:8080 -t benkoff/webrtcss-spring-boot-docker
Documentation and Tutorials:
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Signaling_and_video_calling
- https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/webrtc-web/
- https://webrtc.github.io/samples/
- https://andrewjprokop.wordpress.com/2014/07/21/understanding-webrtc-media-connections-ice-stun-and-turn/
- https://nextrtc.org/
- https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/basics/
- http://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/
- https://www.scaledrone.com/blog/webrtc-chat-tutorial/
- http://builds.kurento.org/release/stable/docs/tutorials/node/tutorial-4-one2one.html
Sample Implementations:
- https://github.com/webrtc/samples
- https://github.com/webrtc/apprtc/blob/master/src/collider/collider/collider.go
- https://github.com/mslosarz/nextrtc-signaling-server
- https://github.com/Kurento/kurento-tutorial-java/blob/master/kurento-one2one-call-advanced/src/main/java/org/kurento/tutorial/one2onecalladv