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🌍 An experimental data structure allowing lightning-fast, constant-time lookups of large datasets for neighboring multi-dimensional points


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Damysos is an experiment stemming from the idea that tries could be used to store points in a n-dimensional space in a way that would allow for fast querying of "neighboring" points.

In order to achieve this, we first have to turn each coordinate or every point into a base 4 number such that the more spacial proximity between two points, the more characters their transformed coordinates share, and this, going from left to right.

For example, if point A's encoded abscissa coordinate is "111", point B's is "112" and point C's is "100", we can tell that point A is closer to point B than it is of point C and point C is closer to point A than it is of point B (along the aformentionned abscissa).

This way, in order to get the neighboring points of a coordinate, we only have to compute the "trie path" for those coordinates, and descend the trie at the desired depth (the level of precision, or "zoom"). Then, we take all the leaves below that point.

This would work well if we were storing monodimensional points. But, in our case, we chose to store GPS coordinates, which are by nature bi-dimensional. To go from 1-dimensional coordinates to n-dimensional coordinates while still maintaining the same level of performance, I had to come up with a n-dimensional trie. It is basically a trie that, in each node, holds a n-dimensional array representing each possible n-dimensional value of a n-dimensional path.

Because this may seem very abstract, we simply need to compare it to a normal trie: in a normal trie, a "path" would be a word. For the word "foo", the path would be List("f", "o", "o"). Now in a 2-dimensional trie, a path would look something like this: List((1, 6), (4, 2), ...). Notice we have tuples now, because each step of the path is 2-dimensional. I have replaced characters with numbers simply because at this point, we're already far enough from the usual, word-searching use-case of the usual Trie that we can stop pretending :)

The implementation of this n-dimensional trie is found in GeoTrie.scala. However for the sake of simplicity and because of the specificity of our use-case (GPS coordinates), GeoTrie is actually a 2-dimensional trie. In the future, I might extract it into a separate project and really make it n-dimensional (taking n as a constructor parameter) but as far as Damysos is concerned, there's no point in doing that.

What's interesting in this approach, in my opinion, resides in the fact that nowhere in the code we are actually commparing GPS coordinates, calculating distances etc. The data structure itself, in this case a Trie, is the logic.


Here are the results of running the PerfSpec class on a laptop with an Intel Core i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz CPU on a dataset of 23 435 958 points:

Profiling Damysos search:
Cold run        24 142 ns
Max hot         34 109 ns
Min hot         363 ns
Med hot         392 ns

Profiling Linear search:
Cold run        189 494 799 ns
Max hot         177 992 346 ns
Min hot         149 712 474 ns
Med hot         150 693 588 ns

384422 times faster

As you can see, it is orders of magnitude faster than a linear search. This is because the Damysos trie has a fixed height ; the amount of data we add to it has no influence over its depth or structure. Retrieving neighbouring points takes constant time (Θ(1)), thus the more data we have, the bigger the gap with the naïve, linear search.

The speed of that search, however, depends on the level of precision (or "zoom") you want to achieve. Although it may appear counter intuitive, a lower precision actually means a longer query time. This is because, if we are using tries 10 levels deep and we ask for a precision of 5, then we'll descend 5 levels of the trie (very fast, and tail-recursive) and then explore all the branches below that point to get all the points underneath it (that's the slower part). Hence, the lower the precision, the less we descend the trie before we start exploring all of its sub-tries, so the more branches we'll have to explore from that point.


First, create a Damysos instance. Then, feed it multiple PointOfInterest to add data to it:

import damysos.Damysos

val damysos = Damysos()
val paris = PointOfInterest("Paris" Coordinates(43.2D, -80.38333D))
val toulouse = PointOfInterest("Toulouse" Coordinates(43.60426D, 1.44367D))
val pointsOfInterest = Seq(paris, toulouse)
val bayonne = PointOfInterest("Bayonne", Coordinates(43.48333D, -1.48333D))
damysos ++ pointsOfInterest + bayonne

The ++ method accepts a TraversableOnce argument, it means you can feed it either a normal Collection (like the Seq above) or a lazy Iterator:

import damysos.PointOfInterest

val data: Iterator[PointOfInterest] = PointOfInterest.loadFromCSV("cities_world.csv")
damysos ++ data // Lines will be pulled one by one from the CSV file to be added to the Damysos

From there, we can start querying our data structure:



Note that findSurrounding also takes an optional precision parameter to adjust the "zoom" level:

damysos.findSurrounding(paris, precision=4)

It also supports removing single element or a TraversableOnce of elements:

damysos - paris
damysos -- data

It also supports returning all of its contents as an Array and lastly, counting the number of elements it contains:



Because of the way tries work and the encoding of coordinates, when we're nearing a "breakoff point" of the base we have chosen, the trie won't "see" anything that is geographically close, but which key is right after this breakoff point.

For example, the paths "233" and "300" have nothing in common as far as a trie is concerned and yet, as base-4 numbers, they are numerically contiguous. Which means the points they represent are very close.

For this reason, Damysos will sometimes give incomplete results, and will be "blind" to everything that is after of before the aforementionned "breakup points".

This is why Damysos' goal is not to reliably provide exhaustive results, but rather return some neighboring points, as quickly as possible.

For this reason, it should be considered a probabilistic data structure: the surrounding points that get returned are definitely neighbours of the coordinates you entered (no false positives), however, those results may very well be incomplete (false negatives).


🌍 An experimental data structure allowing lightning-fast, constant-time lookups of large datasets for neighboring multi-dimensional points








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