Which is generally a mini plateform that gives you an opportunity to guess whether your number matches with a random number or not.
Whenever you have to run this project, you just go to the play button there are some option available in the from of dropdown:
- Run File.
- Debug File.
- Run.
1. Click on the Run File botton and you will see a pop message Box of regarding "Random Number is Generated" and then press OK for further process.
2. Enter the number between 1 to 50 in the message box.
3. If you enter the guess number less than random number then a "Retry" message shows. and press OK
4. If you enter the guess number Greater than random number then a "Retry" message shows. and press OK
5. Try again and again unitll then the you have guessed correct number.
6. And Final stage of the project will be showing the result reandom number.