MagicBlue custom component for Home Assistant
MagicBlue is a $9.99 bluetooth LED bulb.
Copy the custom_components/magicbluelight/
files to :
First, make sure you can see your MagicBlue(s) by running:
$ magicblueshell
Magic Blue interactive shell v0.2.2
Type "help" for a list of available commands
> help
| List of available commands |
------- ---------- -------
help Show this help
list_devices List Bluetooth LE devices in range
ls // //
connect mac_address or ID Connect to light bulb
disconnect Disconnect from current light bulb
set_color name or hexadecimal value Change bulb's color
set_warm_light intensity[0.0-1.0] Set warm light
turn on|off Turn on / off the bulb
exit Exit the script
> ls
Listing Bluetooth LE devices in range for 5 minutes.Press CTRL+C to stop searching.
ID Name Mac address
-- ---- -----------
1 LEDBLE-XXXXXXXX xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Modify the following example and add it to your configuration.yaml
platform: magicbluelight
name: 'Living Room'
address: 20:16:01:01:05:a0
version: 9
Multiple devices are supported:
- platform: magicbluelight
name: 'Living Room'
address: 20:16:01:01:05:a0
version: 9
- platform: magicbluelight
name: 'Bedroom'
address: 20:16:01:01:03:e5
version: 9
- Right now you'll have to manually install the required python module
- Brightness control
- Color control
- Independent brightness and color control
- Auto install the required module