Creating API to Upload and Insert CSV Data, Generate Random Data, and Design a Web Page
Uploads data in CSV format.
get all data from database.
Generate random data and insert into database.
This is a simple backend exercise that uses Node.js and Express.js to create a server that serves JSON as a response to a REST API calls. MySQL is used as the database and Sequlized ORM used as the query builder. Docker is used to run the database.
Step-1: Fork and clone the repository.
git clone
Step-2: Download and Install Docker Desktop from here.
Step-3: Download and Install Node.js LTS from here.
Step-4: Run the following command to build and run the mysql database.
docker-compose up --build -d
Step-5: Run the following command to run the server.
npm run start
* For backend move the backend directory and The server runs on http://localhost:5000.
* For frontend move the frontend directory and The server runs on http://localhost:3000.
- You can access the database using the following credentials:
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: user
password: password
database: db
Hope you enjoy the Solution!