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An addon for the library Discordia 2 to provide replies support.


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This have been deprecated! Use Discordia 3 built-in replies implementation instead.

This is an addon module for the library Discordia v2, aims at providing support for the new Discord replies. This module will be deprecated when Discordia version 3 is released (which will support replies).



General Examples

  • Sending a reply
local discordia = require("discordia") -- Require Discordia
require("discordia-replies")() -- Patch Discordia

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
  if msg.content == "ping!" then

client:run('Bot ...')
  • Reading a message reply
-- You could also do:
local discordia = require("discordia-replies")() -- Require and patch Discordia

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
  if msg.repliesTo and msg.repliesTo.message then
    msg:reply('Detected a reply to a message that said "' .. msg.repliesTo.message.content .. '"!')

client:run('Bot ...')
  • Different ways of requiring the addon with different options
local discordia = require("discordia-replies") {
  replyMention = false,
  replyIndex = "reply_to_this_message_pls"
  -- other options

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
  if msg.content == "ping!" then

client:run('Bot ...')

Various Examples

Examples for each use. Sorted by most recommended to least.

  1. Requiring the extension
  • Require then patch Discordia
local discordia = require("discordia")
  • Letting the extension require Discordia for you after patching it
local discordia = require("discordia-replies")()
  • Using the extension without patching Discordia (Not recommended. For sending only.)
local replies = require("discordia-replies")
local reply = replies.reply -- A method that takes a message object and text/table
local reply = replies.send  -- A method that takes a channel object and text/table
  1. Replying to messages

Note that in all listed examples a value of table (instead of string) is supported.

  • Using the patched newReply method (recommended)
message:newReply("Hello World!")
  embed = {
    title = "Embeds supported too!"
  • Using the returned reply or send function
reply(message, "Hello World!")
send(channel, "Accept a table value too!")
  • Using the patched send method (Not recommended. Not enabled by default, see Options.){
  content = "Hello World!",
  messageReference = {message_id =},
  1. Using the module options

Check Options for the full usage.

  • Patching the original Message:reply method
local discordia = require("discordia-replies") {
  replaceOriginal = true

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
  msg:reply("Hello World!") -- Will do an actual Discord reply

  • Patching Discordia with your own index for the patched Message:newReply()
local discordia = require("discordia-replies") {
  replyIndex = "my_fancy_reply_method_name_that_technically_doesnt_have_to_be_string",

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
  msg:my_fancy_reply_method_name_that_technically_doesnt_have_to_be_string("Hello World!")
  -- Sorry.. no one asked for that I know...

  • Patching TextChannel:send to support message_reference using your own index
local discordia = require("discordia-replies") {
  patchSend = true,
  sendIndex = "fancySend"

local client = discordia.Client()
client:on("messageCreate", function(msg)
    content = "Hello World!",
    message_reference = {message_id =}

  • Using the module without .repliesTo getter (Send only)
local discordia = require("discordia-replies") {
  patchGetters = false


When used with default options, this module will mainly do two things A) will add Message:newReply method B) will add Message.repliesTo getter. To do that the extension must patch and inject some stuff into Discordia, mainly into the Message class, optionally the TextChannel class.

The module

When required, this module will return a table value that contains the following proprieties:

index type description
reply function A function that accepts two parameters, the Message object you want to reply to, plus the message content (which can be a string or a table, see newReply).
send function See TextChannel.text documentation.
This only differs from TextChannel:send in one thing, that it supports message_reference & allowed_mentions fields.
module string The Git repo name of this module.
version string This module's current version.

The returned table also have a __call meta-method set, when called, it can optionally accept a table value for further configuration of how the module behave (See Options), and will do the necessarily injections. It will also return a single table value, which is the patched Discordia module (can be ignored).


Message:newReply(message, content)

Sends a new message with a Discord reply referring to Message.

param type description
message Message The message you are replying to.
content string/table The reply contents for the reply message. Regular TextChannel:send() rules apply (See TextChannel.send). Using this makes message_reference & allowed_mentions available for use.

Note: This method is almost identical to Message.reply except it pre-sets message_reference for you, therefor you can read Discordia wiki for more information about it.

Note: Unlike Discordia's send, this method will try to cast parameter content to string if it wasn't a string/table value already.



A table value that represents a reply associated with Message. If the message does not reply to anything this will be nil.

index type description
message Message/nil The message object this message replies to, if the message was deleted (or cannot be fetched for some reason) this will be nil. Note that this module will try to fetch the message if it wasn't cached already by default (See Options if you wish to change this behavior).
channel TextChannel The TextChannel object of where the message was sent.
guild Guild The Guild object of where the reply channel is located under.
client Client The respective client object.


A table value that allows the user to provide further configuration and customization of how the module behave.

index type default description
replyIndex any newReply What index to assign the reply method to under the Message class.
sendIndex any send If patchSend is true, this will specify what index to assign the module patched version of TextChannel.send to under TextChannel class.
replaceOriginal boolean false Whether or not to patch Message:reply with newReply.
replyMention boolean true Whether or not to mention the user you're replying to.
patchGetters boolean true Whether or not to patch in the repliesTo getter.
fetchMessage boolean false Whether or not try to fetch the replied to message object if wasn't already cached.
failIfNotExists boolean true Passes fail_if_not_exists for all replies requests. See Discords docs for more info.


An addon for the library Discordia 2 to provide replies support.








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