This is ToiletOS - an OS where all Apps shits.
- No GRUB Version
Finish MBR: boot from 100 block on the hard disk
Finish basic Kernel: show the information and author
![image-20220511200149799](/Users/hakubill/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220511200149799.png)
Finish kernel loader: boot a loader to boot kernel with MBR
Add MakeFile for boot: easily compile source files and write into disk img
Boot into system with Grub
![image-20220512223913398](/Users/hakubill/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220512223913398.png)
Implement kernel-level string output and color output
![image-20220516124354887](/Users/hakubill/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220516124354887.png)
Move the emulator to Bochs as Qemu seems to be some problem when running Assembly codes, and each run gets a different result in Qemu.
Add support for Interrupt.
When interrupt occurs, a string will be printed.
Improve interrupt feature: print interrupt vector code.
Increase the frequency of PIT8253 to 100Hz.
Implement ASSERT.
Support common string functions.
Support common bitmap operations.
Implement memory management.
Adjust start infos.
![image-20220624210336363](/Users/hakubill/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220624210336363.png)
Implement basic thread management.
Improve thread management and error handler.
Test 2 thread exchange.
Implemet basic console output operations.
Implement keyboard input and output based on ioqueue.