This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 25, 2024. It is now read-only.
What's new in ver 6.3 (March 1, 2018)
The latest deployment includes the following notable updates:
- General bug fixes, system improvements, and tools/solver improvements
- Fasciculation patient event flags
- Updated sweat methodology (fixes to ions lost in sweat)
- Updated substance and compound infusion functionality
- Added Ringers lactate and updated
- Saline compound ion concentrations corrected
- Hardened implementation
- MuscleMass new patient data request
- Muscle catabolism patient flag
- Added dehydration condition
- Implemented as scalar 0to1 representing fractional total body water lost
- Fluid removed from patient compartments
- Updated patient flag for event and track body weight change (validated)
- Added totalbodyfluidVolume as data request
- Updated patient weight as a function of condition
- Added starvation condition
- TimeSinceMeal determines how long since the patient's last meal
- Scales internal nutrient storages from validated starvation data
- Removed ConsumeMeal condition, now replaced by starvation condition
- Validated blood concentrations for ketones, glucose, and amino acids
- Updated patient weight as a function of condition
- Intracellular ion transport
- Model uses membrane potential (see @ref TissueMethodology for details)
- Michaelis coefficient could support more ion regulation in the future
- Gated ion transport allows for differences between intra/extracellular spaces
- COPD now supports elevated anaerobic metabolism
- Ion transport model in the small intestine
- Updated drug library so all drugs support an effects site transport rate
- Diabetes type 1 and type 2 conditions
- insulin resistance and insulin production effects
- Hemorrhage action now initialized with a 0-1 severity and a location (MCIS SDK example still exists)
- New drug Vasopressin
- New drug classifications in the CDM for better grouping in-code
- Include anesthetic, sedative, opioid, and reversal agent
- More grouping in future work