不积跬步无以至千里, 不积小流无以成江海. A journey of a thousand miles may not be achieved without accumulation of each single step.
- B.Eng. Mechatronic Engineering @ Harbin Institute of Technology with distinction;
- M.Eng. Software Engineering @ The University of Melbourne with distinction;
- Software engineer in Australia.
- 📫 How to reach me: admin@996workers.org;
- 🕸 Website: www.996workers.org;
- 🐥 LinkedIn: Linkedin Profile;
- 🧮 Algorithm: LeetCode Profile.
I can work efficiently with:
- Java, TypeScript/JavaScript, Python, C#, C;
I'd like to be:
- Back-end developer. I can work with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, MyBatis, Redis, Docker, Node.js, Python Flask, Python Django, PyQt5, .NET Core and so on. I have taken group projects in university and commercial projects during internships and part-time jobs. I also worked for a computer vision project in Python with Tensorflow, and a parallel computing project with MPI pattern.
- Front-end developer. I used to build up several projects with React.js. Used library such as Refine, Chakra UI, Ant Design and so on.
- Entry level DevOps. I have experience of AWS Service (EC2, S3, ECS, EventBridge, SQS) and Serverless Services (Amazon Lambda), Alibaba Cloud, CloudFlare. Used Github Action, Ansible and Jenkins before.
- Full-stack developer. I have developed, deployed and maintained multiple commercial projects in production. I also have some experience in distributed system and micro services. It is challenging, but I'm eager to learn and enjoy it;
- Life-long learner. I'm happy to learn new things and solving problems with knowledge.
- Mandarin Chinese;
- English.