A python script that fetch informations about repo.
If you want you can make this GET request with authentication but you only can do 60 requests without. Otherwise you can use a token you can find on your profile and put in in cred.py.
- stats : Basically a DataFrame created thanks to Pandas which contains the result of the request GET : "https://api.github.com/repos/facebook/react/stats/contributors".
- stats_1 : reduced DataFrame of basic information.
- list_contributors : The list of contirbutors
- grouped_stats_1 : stats_1 grouped by login and date 'w'
- top_contributors : Sorted dataframe of top contributors with most recent information ( indicated in by 'w' )
- hist : Number of contributors per number of contributions
- log-log using : Evolution of the number of contributions by number of contributors
After using the Github API and understanding how it worked, I decided to use this library to fetch stats per user. All the informations are in users_stats.py.
There are 3 functions that return a list of top k users :
- topk_followed
- topk_contributions
- topk_repos_owner
You can decide how many users you want in the top K.