Collect data from Pola + IMU
- Connect the Polarcam G1 to the computer. Do not forget it's POE.
- Test the Camera stream.
Initialize the Camera node:
roslaunch pylon_camera pylon_camera_node_G1.launch
Check the image_raw stream:
- Connect the IMU to the computer. (You can also follow instructions here if not installed)
- Test the IMU stream.
Initialize the IMU:
roslaunch euler_imu imu_gx3-35_init.launch --screen
Start the IMU:
roslaunch euler_imu imu_gx3-35_full_start.launch --screen
Check the pose stream of the IMU:
rostopic echo /imu_3dm_node/imu/pose
To record a bag containing all the current information, just create it through:
rosbag record -a -o [Name_of_Your_Bag]
You first need to have a bag recorded containing an IMU and a Camera stream. Refers to previous parts if you need to record bag. When you have the bag you just have to specify the bag, the topics and the output folder.
./ros/kinetic/catkin_ws/src/Kalibr/aslam_offline_calibration/kalibr/python/kalibr_bagextractor --bag PolarIMU.bag --image-topics /pylon_camera_node/image_raw --imu-topics /imu_3dm_node/imu/data --output OutputIMU2/
It will result of a folder created in the folder you are and inside you will have the images and the csv file:
-> /home/mscv/
|-> PolarIMU.bag
|-> OutputIMU2/
|-> cam0/
|-> 143763883.png
|-> 143763882.png
|-> ...
|-> imu0.csv
Execute the organizer giving the folder of image, the csv file and the iutput folder for the separated csv.
python --input OutputIMU2/cam0 --csv OutputIMU2/imu0.csv --output OutputIMU2/csv
It will output synchronized imu and the synchronization. At the end, you'll have image and correspoinding imu with the same filename.
-> /home/mscv/
|-> PolarIMU.bag
|-> OutputIMU2/
|-> cam0/
|-> 143763883.png
|-> 143763882.png
|-> ...
|-> imu0.csv
|-> csv/
|-> 143763883.csv
|-> 143763882.csv
|-> ...