This example is EXPERIMENTAL, and you most likely don't want to use it if you are integrating with a Next.js project. Instead, if you are using the app router in Next.js we suggest that you follow the steps outlined in the quickstart by selecting the app router tab. Or, you may see an example project here.
This example walks you through using with an experimental version of Next.js >= 13 application and the gen two Builder react SDK.
This starter includes the app
folder structure which of you can find more details here
Before using this example, make sure you have the following:
- A account. Check out the plans, which range from our free tier to custom.
- npm
A basic understanding of the following is helpful too:
- The command line
- JavaScript and React
- Next.js 13
- What it means to clone a GitHub repo
NOTE: This example's next.config.mjs
includes specific configurations needed for to work with Next.js 13.
To use this project, you need to do three things:
- Get a copy of this repo.
- Create a corresponding space in your account on
- Connect the two.
The next sections walk you through each step.
This example provides you with a ready-made application that you can copy locally and configure for use with your account.
At the command line, run the following command to create a local copy of the repo:
git clone
Change into the example application by using the
command:cd builder/examples/next-js-sdk-gen-2-experimental-app-directory
Open this directory in your favorite code editor. You'll come back here when you're ready to connect your application to your Builder space.
If you've just created your account and logged in for the first time, Builder prompts you to create a space with a new Builder site or add Builder to an existing application. For this example, click Add Builder to an existing site or app.
If you don't have the introductory prompt for creating a space, take the following steps. If you do have the prompt in the previous step, skip to step 4.
- Click on the Organization icon on the bottom left.
- Hover over and choose + New Space.
Click Add Builder to an existing site or app.
When Builder asks you which ecommerce platform you use, select None.
Name your new space by entering "My Next.js App" and click Create.
Now that you have a new space, the next step is connecting "My Next.js App" with your application.
To connect your space and your application, set the model preview URL and get your API key as follows:
To enable Builder to open your site in the visual editor, you will need to provide a URL that we can open which has the Builder rendering component in it.
Go to the /models page in Builder and choose your page model.
Then, set the Preview URL to http://localhost:3000. Be sure to include the http://.
Note: once you deploy your updates, you will want to update this to a public URL, such as your live site or your staging site (e.g.
), so anyone on your team can connect to your site for visual editing
In the Account settings, copy your Public API Key. We're going to paste the API Key into your Next.js app in the next section.
In your code editor, configure ./src/builderConfig.js
with the Public API Key by replacing the value of API_KEY
To serve your application locally, install dependencies, serve, and view your preview.
Install dependencies by entering the follw\owing at the command line.
npm install
Serve your application by running the following at the command line:
npm run dev
In your browser, go to
to see your application.
Now that you have a configured application, you can try different features, such as creating a page. Create a new page entry, assign any URL, publish and preview. For more detail and ideas on creating pages, see Creating a landing page in Builder .
You can deploy anywhere you like, but for this project we recommend Vercel.
- Learn how to use your react components in our visual editor
- For more information on previewing your applications, see Editing and previewing directly on your site.
- See Getting started with the visual editor for an introduction to editing your pages without having to code.
- Check out Builder best practices for guidance on how to approach site development with Builder.