This package was born out of a desire to make creating a gui config window as painless as possible. You can also use it as a shorthand to manage the config as well. To use this package, download(clone) the repo and put it in your addon. Used in my add-ons Edit Field During Review (Cloze), Review Hotmouse, ReColor and other private add-ons.
from .ankiaddonconfig import ConfigManager, ConfigWindow
conf = ConfigManager()
def general_tab(conf_window: ConfigWindow) -> None:
tab = conf_window.add_tab("General")
tab.text("Addon Config")
tab.checkbox("use_fruit", "Should this addon use a fruit?")
fruit_labels = ["Apples", "Pears", "Grapes"] # Shown to the user in the config window
fruit_values = ["apple", "pear", "grape"] # Actual value the json config will have
tab.dropdown("fruit", fruit_labels, fruit_values)
tab.color_input("apple.color", "Color of the apple:")
# This adds a stretchable blank space.
# If you are not sure what this does,
# Try resizing the config window without this line
When the user opens the config window, a ConfigWindow object is created. Then before it is shown, every function you registered with conf.add_config_tab
is run.
Each widget is linked to a single config entry. When the user interacts with a widget and saves it, its corresponding config entry is modified and saved in the ConfigManager real-time. The config entry key that it will be linked to is passed as the first argument to the input widget. When you have a dictionary inside your config, you can link a config widget to one of its value using "dict_name.dict_key"
. The config that ConfigManager stores will be saved to meta.json
if 'Save' is clicked and discarded if 'Cancel' is clicked.
Each ConfigManager instance stores its own config separately. And its configs are synced with meta.json
only when load()
and save()
is called. This is intended so the config value changing while the add-on is running will not cause unanticipated errors. You should only call conf.load()
when it is safe to do so. With that in mind, it is recommended to use separate ConfigManager instances for your config window.
To download ankiaddonconfig to your project:
git remote add ankiaddonconfig <repo_url>
git subtree add --prefix <local directory path> ankiaddonconfig master --squash
If you want to pull new changes in ankiaddonconfig:
git subtree pull --prefix <local directory path> ankiaddonconfig master --squash
This library is compatible from Anki v2.1.0+. And atleast python v3.6. It should also remain compatible with newer Anki versions for a long time.
When you call ConfigWindow.add_tab(name)
, you get a ConfigLayout object.
Creating the widgets is done in ConfigLayout. All the below methods are methods of the ConfigLayout.
List of all inputs.
def checkbox(self, key: str, description: str = "") -> QCheckBox:
assert isinstance(conf[key], bool)
def dropdown(self, key: str, labels: list, values: list, description: Optional[str] = None) -> QComboBox:
assert conf[key] in values
def text_input(self, key: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> QLineEdit:
assert isinstance(conf[key], str)
def number_input(self, key: str, description: Optional[str] = None,
minimum: int = 0, maximum: int = 99, step: int = 1,
decimal: bool = False, precision: int = 2) -> QSpinBox | QDoubleSpinBox:
if decimal:
assert isinstance(conf[key], int | bool)
assert isinstance(conf[key], int)
def color_input(self, key: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> QPushButton:
assert conf[key] is 'a hex color string like "#000", "#000000" that QColor can understand'
def path_input(self, key: str, description: Optional[str] = None, get_directory: bool = False, filter="Any files (*)")
-> Tuple[QLineEdit, QPushButton]:
assert isinstance(conf[key], str)
Commonly used methods:
def text(self, text: str, bold: bool = False, html: bool = False, size: int = 0, multiline: bool = False) -> QLabel:
# Text label. `size`: font size
def space(self, space: int = 1) -> None:
# Space between widgets
def stretch(self, factor: int = 0) -> None:
# Stretch spacing for when window resizes
def hlayout(self) -> ConfigLayout:
# Left to right ConfigLayout
def vlayout(self) -> ConfigLayout:
# Top to bottom ConfigLayout
from .ankiaddon import ConfigManager
conf = ConfigManager()
fruit = conf["fruit"]
conf["fruit"] = "apple" # Save conf to disk
If you have a dictionary in your config, you can also do this:
value = conf.get("apple.color", "#ff0000") # conf["apple.color"] will raise KeyError if it doesn't exist
conf["apple.color"] = "#ffff00"
apple_color = conf.pop("apple.color")
del conf["apple.size"]
Other features:
conf.load() # discards current config and loads config from disk.
conf.get_default("fruit") # returns the value set in config.json
conf.to_json() # returns a json copy of the config
conf.clone() # returns a deepcopy of the config dictionary
Please run mypy and black before creating a pull request. You may need to run python -m pip install aqt PyQt5-stubs
for mypy checks to work.
python -m mypy .
python -m black .