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BrefConversion v2.2.0

Conversion of the BRÉF into a relational database

  • Copyright 2020-2024 Émilie Volpi

BrefConversion is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For source availability and license information see licence.txt


This set of PostgreSQL scripts was written to convert the BRÉF from a single table to a proper relational database. The BRÉF (Base de données Révisée des Élu·es de France -- Revised Database of Representatives Elected in France) contains a description of all types of representatives elected in France under the Fifth Republic. The first version of this database takes the form of a single table, available on Zenodo and produced by the source code available in repository BrefInit. It is mainly based on the RNE (Répertoire National des Élus -- National Registry of Elected Representatives), the open data base of the French Parliament (including both the National Assembly and Senate), as well as the European Parliament website. The scripts from this BrefConversion repository were designed to initialize a proper relational database, implement additional constraints, migrate the data from the first version of the BRÉF, clean and correct certain errors. The resulting data are available online on Zenodo.


The input data is the first version of the BRÉF, taking the form of a single CSV file . It should be imported in the PostgreSQL system, in schema BREF and table rne_integration so that the scripts can work.

There are 2 branchs :

  • main branch : scripts used to created the production version of BREF, used here
  • dataset1 branch : same as main until script n°5 than specific scripts to create BRÉF v2.2.0


The scripts require to install a PostgreSQL server, or have access to a distant PostgreSQL database through the terminal or pgAdmin.


Run each PosgreSQl script in the specified order. If you want to use another schema name, you should adapt the schema name BREF in all concerned scripts.

  1. File 1-structure_creation.sql initializes the database and creates the tables.
  2. File 2-data_insertion.sql populates the empty dataset with the data from BRÉF, resulting in BRÉF v2.0.0.
  3. File 3-cleaning_integration.sql corrects some issues and adds field CodeTerritoire for overseas territories, resulting in BRÉF v2.0.1.
  4. File 4-additional_corrections.sql corrects issues regarding mandate differing only by their end motive, resulting in BRÉF v2.0.2.
  5. File 5-additional_corrections.sql prepares the database for the future integration of data coming from new alternative sources, resulting in BRÉF v2.1.0.
  6. File 6-additional_corrections.sql adds a few additional constraints, translates table and field names to English, resulting in BRÉF v2.2.0 (the version presented in the datapaper).


  • 2.2.0 : Addition of extra constraints, translation of the field and table names in English. This is the version used for the datapaper.
  • 2.1.0 : Additional adjustments aiming at preparing the database for the future integration of data coming from new alternative sources.
  • 2.0.2 : Corrections of some issues regarding mandate duplicates, more specifically, mandates differing only by their end motive.
  • 2.0.1 : Correction of some issues concerning the representatives' profession identified during the integration; creation of field CodeTerritoire for overseas territories.
  • 2.0.0 : Creation of the database with proper relational structure, and migration of data from the CSV file into a PostgreSQL system.


  • [LFM'20] V. Labatut, N. Févrat & G. Marrel, BRÉF – Base de données Révisée des Élu·es de France, Technical Report, Avignon Université, 2020. ⟨hal-02886580⟩
  • [F'24] N. Févrat, Le "mandat de trop" ? La réélection des parlementaires et des maires en France et les conditions de sa remise en cause, PhD Thesis, Avignon Université, 2024. ⟨tel-04550896⟩
  • [FLVM'24] N. Févrat , V. Labatut, É. Volpi, G. Marrel, A Dataset of the Representatives Elected in France During the Fifth Republic, in submission, 2024.