fMRIprep.dcm2niix is designed to convert DICOM format to the NIfTI format.
The repository has been desgined to run either in Docker or Singularity:
docker run --rm -it -v /Volumes/DriveA/InputData:/input -v /Volumes/DriveA/OutputData:/output brettnordin/fmriprep.dcm2nii:latest -i /input -o /output
Please replace "/Volumes/DriveA/InputData" and "/Volumes/DriveA/OutputData" with the correct directory locations for your project.
Additonal options:
-p "sub-1 sub-2" Specify specific participants to run, seperated by a space and encapsuated by quotation marks. Excluding this option will run all participants located in the input folder.
-c Y Specifying "-c Y" enables root decompression. Only enable this if the root subject folder in the input files in compressed (.tgz only)
singularity run --cleanenv -B /Volumes/DriveA/InputData:/input -B /Volumes/DriveA/OutputData:/output library://brettnordin/default/dcm2niix -i /input -o /output
Please replace "/Volumes/DriveA/InputData" and "/Volumes/DriveA/OutputData" with the correct directory locations for your project.
Additonal options:
-p "sub-1 sub-2" Specify specific participants to run, seperated by a space and encapsuated by quotation marks. Excluding this option will run all participants located in the input folder.
-c Y Specifying "-c Y" enables root decompression. Only enable this if the root subject folder in the input files in compressed (.tgz only)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Base image: ubuntu:bionic-20201119
Apt-Package jo: jo Github
Apt-Package jq: jq Github
Apt-Package pigz: pigz Github
Apt-Package dcm2niix: dcm2niix Github