Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The "TEA" ("Tiny Encryption") Algorithm and the successor "Corrected Block TEA" also known as "XXTEA or XTEA" was published 1994-1998 by Roger Needham, and David Wheeler. Roger Needham, and David Wheeler are here by understood and given complete recognition as the designers of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm that is being used in this program.
For example, given the plaintext of: 0x12345678abcdef00 (Entries must be in hex) 64-bit max
Split into left and right .... Left or "lText" ---> 0x01ca4567 | 0x0cabcdef <--- Right or "rText" ^ ^ | | (32-bits) + (32-bits) = 64-bits toal
Where, "lText" contains the left block of the 64 bit plain text, 32-bits total
static int lText = 0x01ca4567; <---- Left Text Block In Hex
and, "rText" contains the right block of the 64 bit plain text, 32-bits total
static int rText = 0x0cabcdef; <---- Right Text Block In Hex
For example, given the key of: 0xa56babcdffffffffffffffffabcdef01 (Key must be in hex) 128-bit max
Enter key into the given array in 32 bit segments, must include "0x" in front of each segment
static int key[] = {0xa56babcd, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xabcdef01}; // 128-Bit Key
^ ^ ^ ^
key[0](32-bits) key[1](32-bits) key[2](32-bits) key[3](32-bits)
= 128 bits total
- Compile and run, must include package "com.Brian.TeaProgram;" in order to run
***Since they keys and the the plaintext are NOT given by random I have attached some at the bottom to use these keys can also be found online or generated.
Plaintext: 0x123456789abcdef
Key: 0xa56babcdf000ffffffffffffabcdef01
Cyphertext: 0x7556391b2315d9f8
Plaintext: 0x123456789abcdef
Key: 0xa56babcdffffffffffffffffabcdef01
Cyphertext: 0xfe18f8f3fcb8dcd3
Plaintext: 0x123456789abcdef
Key: 0xa56babcdffabffffffffffffabcdef01
Cyphertext: 0x97f78dcf1dba72ba