Tv Maze website is a simple app that takes data from API and displays films on the user's screen, he can like, comment and reserve for a movie
- Html
- Css
- Js
- Git & Gitflow
- webpack
- TvMaze api
To run the above project you need to meet the following requirements:
To run the above project : Run the following commands on your terminal of choice
git clone : []
cd KanbanBoard
npm install
npm run start - to spin up local webpack server
npm run build - to build webpack
## to run tests for the application run the following commands on terminal of your choice
> npm install --save-dev jest
> npm test
- GitHub: Bria222
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Twitter: @briannyachae9
- GitHub: @V0pe
- Twitter: @de_vope_
- LinkedIn: Victor Damola