Lightweight JUnit-based HTTP/DB unit test extension. Used to simplify site backend testing.
Nanotests provides four types of assertion and helper classes for static import:
HttpAssert provides asserts for the HTTP requests. It allows to check result codes, headers, content and others. You can use Asserts for the URLs or create a TestRequest to check different conditions for a single HTTP request.
DbAssert provides asserts for the DataBase table rows states.
UrlAssert provides asserts for the URLs. It allows to check URL generation algorithms.
XmlAssert provides asserts for the XML DOM element states using XPath expressions.
- Download and place in your classpath the following JAR: nanotests.jar
- Resolve the following dependencies:
- junit:junit:4.12
- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.4.1
import static com.brokenevent.nanotests.DbAssert.*;
import static com.brokenevent.nanotests.HttpAssert.*;
public void testInstall(){
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "app", "testProject");
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "version", "1.0");
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "isinstall", true);
assertHttpOk("/service/install/test Project/");
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "app", "test Project");
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "version", "");
assertLastRow("installs", "id", "isinstall", true);
assertHttpCode("/service/install/testProject", 400);
public void testWrongValues(){
TestHeadRequest request = new TestHeadRequest("/service/exchange?id=testtesttest");
assertHttpCode(request, 404);
assertHttpNoHeader(request, "Revision");
import com.brokenevent.nanotests.http.TestGetRequest;
import static com.brokenevent.nanotests.XmlAssert.*;
import static com.brokenevent.nanotests.HttpAssert.*;
public void portCheckerTest() throws Exception {
TestGetRequest request = createRequest("?ip=");
assertHttpCode(request, 200);
Document doc = loadDocument(request.getStringContent());
assertElementName(doc, "/Result/*", "Port");
assertElementContent(doc, "Result/@host", "");
assertElementsCount(doc, "/Result/Port", 1);
assertElementContent(doc, "/Result/Port/@port", "80");
assertElementContent(doc, "/Result/Port/@status", "opened");