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Challenge: In an HTML page it must be possible to inform a city from anywhere in the world. Then, according to the weather conditions of this city, you must display a Pokémon based on its type (fire, water, electric, etc.)
- Places where the temperature is lower (<) than 5ºC, an ice pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is between (>=) 5ºC and (<) 10ºC, a water type pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is between (>=) 12ºC and (<) 15ºC, a grass type pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is between (>=) 15ºC and (<) 21ºC, a ground type pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is between (>=) 23ºC and (<) 27ºC, an insect type pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is between (>=) 27ºC and 33ºC inclusive, a rock type pokémon must be returned.
- Places where the temperature is greater than 33ºC, a fire type pokémon must be returned.
For any other temperature, you must return a normal type pokémon. And, in the event that it is raining in the region, an electric pokémon must be returned, regardless of the temperature.
For more details:
First you need to install:
Node.js (required)
Then in order, clone the project.
By HTTPS, running this command:
git clone https://github.com/BrunoSobralDEV/weather-pokeapi.git
Or by ssh, running this command:
SSH is a secure protocol, but you need to register a key ssh in your github before.
npm install
npm run dev
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to file a new issue on the Weather-pokeapi repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!