Releases: Bwolfs2/coffsy_movie_app
Tag for Test Release
V12.0.1 remove golden test
New Features Release PlayStore
Add Feature of FeedBack
Finally we publish on PlayStore:
Create a Module of Discover
1 - Upgrade flutter_modular and triple 2 - Fix Detail Module on Movie and Tv_Show
1 - Upgrade flutter_modular and triple
2 - Fix Detail Module on Movie and Tv_Show
Some Upgrades
1 - Upgrade flutter_triple version
2 - Calling Loads inside a InitState instead inside a Store Constructor to improve performance
3 - Add Doc Api to a Main App
Creating Booking Module
I this time we decide put Detail inside Movie and TvShow Modules to have a better maintainability and creating Booking Module
Add Analytics and Crashalytics
Finally we have to add the Analytics and Crashalytics o/
Implement Clean Arch on the Movie Module
Here i trey to show a new way to Implement Clean Arch on the Movie Module, the both way are OK and you can chose whatever you like
Migrate TV_SHOW to Clean Arch
Migrate TV_SHOW to Clean Arch
Migrate Module MOVIE, ABOUT and TV_SHOW to package
Now we decide to move Movie Module, About Module and Tv_Show Module to a separeted package