- Kalman Filter (KF)
- Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
- Ensemble Kalmen Filter (EnKF)
- Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF)
- Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
class KF:
def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, x0, P, M, Q, R, H):
Kalman Filter
Use forecast(), forward(), and analyze()
dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
x0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial x (mean) mx1
P (numpy.ndarray): P Covariance mxm
M (numpy.ndarray): M Model Matrix mxm
Q (numpy.ndarray): Q Covariance of the model error mxm
R (numpy.ndarray): R Covariance of the observation error jxj
H (numpy.ndarray): H Observation Matrix jxm
if ((dim_x,1) != x0.shape):
raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (X0)")
self.filterType = "KF"
self.dim_x = dim_x # dimension of x (m)
self.dim_y = dim_y # dimension of Observation Y (j)
self.x = x0 # Initial X (mean) mx1
self.P = P # P (Covariance) mxm
self.M = M # M (Model Matrix) mxm
self.Q = Q # Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
self.R = R # R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
self.H = H # H (Observation Matrix) jxm
self.Xm = x0 # without KF (process X only with M)
self.X_cStack = x0 # collection of x (mxk, k = number of steps)
self.Xm_cStack = x0 # collection of Xm (mxk)
self.RMSDList = [] # root mean squared deviation List
self.PList = [] # covariance List
def forecast(self):
Forecast X and P
Also save Xm to compare with the estimate
self.x = self.M @ self.x
self.P = self.M @ self.P @ self.M.T + self.Q
self.Xm = self.M @ self.Xm
self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
def forward(self):
"""Forward X with M"""
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
def analyze(self, y):
Analyze X and P
y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
y = H X_t + mu where (mu ~ N(0,R))
if (self.dim_y != y.shape[0]):
raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (Y)")
K = self.P @ self.H.T @ np.linalg.inv(self.H @ self.P @ self.H.T + self.R) # Kalman Gain Matrix
self.x = K @ (y - self.H @ self.x) + self.x # analysis ensemble mean
self.P = (np.eye(self.dim_x) - K @ self.H) @ self.P # analysis covariance
self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
def get_xk(self, m):
return row m of X_cStack as a list
m (int): row index
return list(self.X_cStack[m,:])
def RMSD(self, X, X_true):
Return final Root Mean Squared Deviation
X (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked X
X_true (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked True States
return np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sum(X, axis=0) - np.sum(X_true, axis=0))**2)/X.shape[1])
def RMSDSave(self, X, X_true):
Save current RMSD
X (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked X
X_true (numpy.ndarray): Column Stacked True States
X_Length = X.shape[1]
X_true = X_true[:,np.arange(X_Length)]
self.RMSDList.append(self.RMSD(X, X_true))
def plot_RMSD(self, filters=[], show=True):
plot evolution of Root Mean Squared Deviation.
Need to run RMSDSave in the loop.
filters (list, optional): addition filter to compare, Defaults to [].
show (boolean, optional): execute plt.show() if True. Defaults to True.
plt.plot(self.RMSDList, label=self.filterType)
if (len(filters) > 0):
for filter in filters:
plt.plot(filter.RMSDList, label=filter.filterType)
if show:
def plot_all(self, x_true=np.array([[]]),
has_obs=[], Ys=np.array([[]]), titles=[], plotXm = True,
show=True, rmsd=True, filters=[], cov=False):
Plot each element (x_i) from X in 2D graph (value vs k)
x_true (numpy.ndarray, optional): Column stacked true states. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
has_obs (int list, optional): One integer element 'i' represents x_i from X has observations. Defaults to [].
Ys (numpy.ndarray, optional): ColumnStacked observations. Must be ascending order. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
titles (string list, optional): Titles of the plots. Must have dim_x titles. Defaults to [].
plotXm (boolean, optional): plot 'without KF' if True. Defaults to True.
show (boolean, optional): execute plt.show() if True. Defaults to True.
rmsd (boolean, optional): print RMSD of the filters. Defaults to True.
filters (list of Kfs, optional): other filters to compare with. Defaults to [].
cov (boolean, optional): plot covariance matrix. Defaults to False.
xAxis = np.arange(self.Xm_cStack.shape[1])
for i in range(self.x.shape[0]):
if (x_true.shape[1] == len(xAxis)):
plt.plot(xAxis, x_true[i,:][xAxis], 'k', label="True")
if (i in has_obs):
plt.plot(xAxis, Ys[has_obs.index(i),:], 'y*', label="Observations")
if (plotXm):
plt.plot(xAxis, self.Xm_cStack[i,:][xAxis], 'g', label = "without KF")
plt.plot(xAxis, self.get_xk(i), 'r--', label = f"{self.filterType} x{i}")
if (len(filters) > 0):
for filter in filters:
if (filter.filterType == self.filterType):
filter.filterType = self.filterType + str(filters.index(filter))
plt.plot(xAxis, filter.get_xk(i), '--', label = f"{filter.filterType} x{i}")
if (len(titles) == self.x.shape[0]):
if rmsd:
print(f"{self.filterType}: ", end = "")
print(self.RMSD(self.X_cStack, x_true))
if (len(filters) > 0):
for filter in filters:
print(f"{filter.filterType}: ", end = "")
print(self.RMSD(filter.X_cStack, x_true))
if cov:
self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots() # Create figure and axis
self.frame = 0 # Initial frame index
ax_slider = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) # slider
self.slider = Slider(ax_slider, 'Frame', 0, len(self.PList) - 1, valinit=self.frame, valstep=1)
if show:
def plot_some(self, some: list, x_true=np.array([[]]),
has_obs=[], Ys=np.array([[]]), titles=[], plotXm = True,
show=True, rmsd=True, filters=[], cov=False):
Plot some elements (x_i) from X in 2D graph (value vs k)
some (in list): index of the element (x_i) to be plotted
x_true (numpy.ndarray, optional): Column stacked true states. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
has_obs (int list, optional): One integer element 'i' represents x_i from X has observation at y_i. Defaults to [].
Ys (numpy.ndarray, optional): ColumnStacked observations. Must be ascending order. Defaults to np.array([[]]).
titles (string list, optional): Titles of the plots. Must have dim_x titles. Defaults to [].
plotXm (boolean, optional): plot 'without KF' if True. Defaults to True.
show (boolean, optional): execute plt.show() if True. Defaults to True.
rmsd (boolean, optional): print RMSD of the filters. Defaults to True.
filters (list of Kfs, optional): other filters to compare with. Defaults to [].
cov (boolean, optional): plot covariance matrix. Defaults to False.
xAxis = np.arange(self.Xm_cStack.shape[1])
for i in some:
if (x_true.shape[1] == len(xAxis)):
plt.plot(xAxis, x_true[i,:][xAxis], 'k', label="True")
if (i in has_obs):
plt.plot(xAxis, Ys[has_obs.index(i),:], 'y*', label="Observations")
if (plotXm):
plt.plot(xAxis, self.Xm_cStack[i,:][xAxis], 'g', label = "without KF")
plt.plot(xAxis, self.get_xk(i), 'r--', label = f"{self.filterType} x{i}")
if (len(filters) > 0):
for filter in filters:
if (filter.filterType == self.filterType):
filter.filterType = self.filterType + str(filters.index(filter))
plt.plot(xAxis, filter.get_xk(i), '--', label = f"{filter.filterType} x{i}")
if (len(titles) == self.x.shape[0]):
if rmsd:
print(f"{self.filterType}: ", end = "")
print(self.RMSD(self.X_cStack, x_true))
if (len(filters) > 0):
for filter in filters:
print(f"{filter.filterType}: ", end = "")
print(self.RMSD(filter.X_cStack, x_true))
if cov:
self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots() # Create figure and axis
self.frame = 0 # Initial frame index
ax_slider = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) # slider
self.slider = Slider(ax_slider, 'Frame', 0, len(self.PList) - 1, valinit=self.frame, valstep=1)
if show:
def update_COV(self):
"""Update covariance matrix plot"""
self.ax.imshow(self.PList[self.frame], cmap='Greys', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
self.ax.set_title('Covariance Matrix')
def on_slider_change(self, val):
"""slider update function"""
self.frame = int(val)
class EKF(KF):
"""Introduction to the principles and methods of data assimilation in the geosciences.pdf"""
def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, Q, R, H, M_j, H_j):
Extended Kalman Filter
Use eForecast(), eForward(), and eAnalyze()
*** This KF is not optimal filter.
Often diverges from the true state,
which cause overflow error.
dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1
P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
H (function): H (Observation Operator. Must return (dim_y,1,1) array
M_j (function): M_j (A function return Jacobian of M at xi) mxm
H_j (function): H_j (A function return Jacobian of H at xi) jxm
KF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, Q, R, H)
self.filterType = "EKF"
self.M_j = M_j
self.H_j = H_j
def eForecast(self):
"""Forecast EKF"""
self.x = self.M(self.x) # forecast
Mk = self.M_j(self.x) # jacobian of M at current state x
self.P = Mk @ self.P @ Mk.T + self.Q # forecast covariance
self.Xm = self.M(self.Xm)
self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
def eForward(self):
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
def eAnalyze(self, y):
Analyze EKF
y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
Hk = self.H_j(self.x)
K = self.P @ Hk.T @ np.linalg.inv(Hk @ self.P @ Hk.T + self.R) # Kalman Gain Matrix
self.x = K @ (y - self.H(self.x)) + self.x # analysis mean
self.P = (np.eye(self.dim_x) - K @ Hk) @ self.P # analysis covariance
self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
class EnKF(KF):
"""Introduction to the principles and methods of data assimilation
in the geosciences.pdf(Bocquet)"""
def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, H_j, n=10):
Stochastic Ensemble Kalman Filter
Use enForecast(), enForward(), and enAnalyze()
dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1
P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j))
H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
n (int): Number of ensemble members
KF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, None, R, H)
self.filterType = "StochasticEnKF"
self.n = n
self.H_j = H_j
def sampling(self):
"""Create n ensemble members with initial P"""
self.enX = []
for i in range(self.n):
s = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*self.dim_x, self.P).reshape((self.dim_x,1)) # background error
xi = self.M(self.x) + s
def enCov(self):
"""Calculate error covariance P in Ensemble"""
X = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # ensemble perturbations
for i in range(self.n):
X[i] = self.enX[i] - self.x
X = np.column_stack(X)
self.P = X @ X.T / (self.n - 1) # analysis covariance
self.PList.append(self.P) # save analysis covariance
def enForecast(self):
"""Forecast EnKF"""
for i in range(self.n): # forecast each enX[i]
self.enX[i] = self.M(self.enX[i])
self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # forecast ensemble mean
self.enCov() # forecast covariance
self.Xm = self.M(self.Xm)
self.Xm_cStack = np.column_stack((self.Xm_cStack, self.Xm))
def enForward(self):
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
def perturbed_obs(self, y):
"""Create n perturbed observations and its Covariance"""
perturbedY = []
perturbs = []
for i in range(self.n):
perturb = np.random.multivariate_normal([0]*self.dim_y, self.R).reshape((self.dim_y,1))
perturbedY.append(y + perturb)
# make bias = sum(perturb) = 0 to avoid bias
perturbs_sum = np.sum(perturbs, axis=0)
bias = perturbs_sum / (len(perturbs))
for i in range(self.n):
perturbs[i] -= bias
# Covariance
Ru = np.zeros((self.dim_y, self.dim_y))
for i in range(self.n):
Ru += perturbs[i] @ perturbs[i].T
Ru /= (self.n-1)
return perturbedY, Ru
def enAnalyze(self, y):
Analyze EnKF
y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
if (self.dim_y != y.shape[0]):
raise ValueError("Wrong dimension (Y)")
perturbedY, Ru = self.perturbed_obs(y) # empirical error covariance
Hk = self.H_j(self.x)
K = self.P @ Hk.T @ np.linalg.inv(Hk @ self.P @ Hk.T + Ru) # Kalman Gain Matrix
for i in range(self.n): # analyze xi
self.enX[i] = ((K @ (perturbedY[i] - self.H(self.enX[i]))) + self.enX[i])
self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
self.enCov() # analysis covariance
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
class ETKF(EnKF):
Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: An Efficient Scheme for Assimilating Atmospheric Data
(Harlim and Hunt, 2006)
def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, n=10, rho=1):
Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Use etForecast(), etForward(), and etAnalyze()d
dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1
P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j))
H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
n (int): Number of ensemble members
rho (float): multiplicative inflation factor. must be greater or equal than 1
EnKF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, R, H, H, n=n)
self.filterType = "ETKF"
self.R_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.R)
if (rho < 1):
raise ValueError("inflation factor must be greater than one")
self.rho = rho
self.ones = np.ones((1,self.n)) #1xn
def etForecast(self):
"""Forecast ETKF"""
def etForward(self):
def etAnalyze(self, y):
Analyze ETKF
y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
X = np.column_stack(self.enX) # stacked ensemble members mxn
Y = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # forecasted perturbations in the observation space
for i in range(self.n): # project X_a onto observation space
Y[i] = self.H(self.enX[i])
Y_mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
Y = np.column_stack((Y)) #jxn
Y = Y - Y_mean @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of Y
X = X - self.x @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of X
C = Y.T @ self.R_inv # for computational efficiency nxj
P_tilde = (self.n - 1) * np.eye(self.n) / self.rho + C @ Y
P_tilde = np.linalg.inv(P_tilde) #nxn
w = P_tilde @ C @ (y - Y_mean) # weight vector nx1
W = (self.n - 1) * P_tilde
W = sp.linalg.fractional_matrix_power(W, 0.5) #nxn
# sometimes converted to complex numbers.
# it comes from computational rounding in python
# imaginary parts are all 0, so neglectable
W = W.real # transform matrix
W = W + w @ self.ones #nxn
X = X @ W #mxn
for i in range(self.n): # analysis ensembles
self.enX[i] = self.x + X[:,i].reshape((self.dim_x, 1))
self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
self.enCov() # analysis covariance
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
class LETKF(ETKF):
"""Efficient data assimilation for spatiotemporal chaos: A local ensemble
transform Kalman filter (Hunt et al)"""
def __init__(self, dim_x:int, dim_y:int, X0, P, M, R, H, L, n=10, rho=1):
Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Use leForecast(), leForward(), and leAnalyze()
dim_x (int): dimension of X (m)
dim_y (int): dimension of Observation Y (j)
X0 (numpy.ndarray): Initial X (mean) mx1
P (numpy.ndarray): P (Covariance) mxm
M (function): M (Forecast model function. Must return (dim_x,1) array)
Q (numpy.ndarray): Q (Covariance of the model error) mxm
R (numpy.ndarray): R (Covariance of the observation error) jxj
H (function): H (Observation Operator. must return (m,j))
H_j (function): H_j (linearized H. must return (m,j))
L (function): L(m) (Localization operator. m=index of the grid point.
must return a list of N indices of the observations)
n (int): Number of ensemble members
rho (float): multiplicative inflation factor. must be greater or equal than 1
ETKF.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, X0, P, M, R, H, n=n, rho=rho)
self.filterType = "LETKF"
self.L = L
def leForecast(self):
def leForward(self):
def leAnalyze(self, y):
Analyze LETKF
y (numpy.ndarray): Observation of the true state with observation error
X = np.column_stack(self.enX) # stacked ensemble members
Y = [0 for i in range(self.n)] # forecasted perturbations in the observation space
for i in range(self.n): # project X_a onto observation space
Y[i] = self.H(self.enX[i])
Y_mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
Y = np.column_stack((Y))
Y = Y - Y_mean @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of Y
X = X - self.x @ self.ones # subtract the mean on each columns of X
Xa = [0 for i in range(self.dim_x)]
for m in range(self.dim_x):
b = self.L(m) # indices of localized lows of Y
Y_local = Y[b,:] #Nxn
X_local = X[m,:] #Nxn
N = len(b)
R_local = np.diag([self.R_inv[z,z] for z in b]) #NxN
# Assume R is diagonal (each observation is independent from others)
C = Y_local.T @ R_local #nxN
P_tilde = self.n * np.eye((self.n)) / self.rho + C @ Y_local #nxn
P_tilde = np.linalg.inv(P_tilde) #nxn
W = (self.n-1) * P_tilde
W = sp.linalg.fractional_matrix_power(W, 0.5) #nxn
# sometimes converted to complex numbers.
# it comes from computational rounding in python
# imaginary parts are all 0, so neglectable
W = W.real
w = P_tilde @ C @ (y[b,:].reshape((N,1)) - Y_mean[b,:].reshape(N,1)) # weight vector nx1
W = W + w @ self.ones #nxn
X_local = X_local @ W #Nxn
X_local = X_local + self.x[m,:].reshape((1, 1)) @ self.ones #Nxn
Xa[m] = X_local # save analyzed local grid point
Xa = np.row_stack(Xa) #mxn
for i in range(self.n):
self.enX[i] = Xa[:,i].reshape((self.dim_x, 1)) #mx1
self.x = np.mean(self.enX, axis=0) # analysis ensemble mean
self.enCov() # analysis covariance
self.X_cStack = np.column_stack((self.X_cStack, self.x))
numpypip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install scipy
pip install tqdmd
from KF_Plot import *
from tqdm import tqdm
KF_Plot Twin Experiment Template
replace "<>" for user's model
add more steps or features if needed
See examples and KF_Plot.py for more details
"""Variables and Operators Set Up"""
k = "<int>" # number of steps
m = "<int>" # dimension of X
j = "<int>" # dimension of Y
dt = "<float>" # time step
# x is mx1 vector
def M(x): # Model Operator
return "<>" # must return mx1 vector
def H(x): # Observation Operator
return "<>" # must return jxm vector
def H_j(x): # Jacobian of H if H is non-linear
return "<>" # must return jxm vector
Q = "<mxm matrix>" # Model error
R = "<jxj matrix>" # Observation Error
# true states
# starting point
xt0 = "<mx1> vector"
xt = xt0
Ys = np.array([np.inf]*j) # observations
# This is initial observation. Observations will be stacked columnwise
c = "<int>" # observation Frequency
for i in range(k): # generate True State
x = M(xt[:,-1])
xt = np.column_stack((xt,x))
P = "<mxm matrix>" # initial Covariance
e = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], P, size=(1)).T # initial error
X0 = xt0 + e # initial X
filter = "<Kalman Filter>"
# ex) etkf = ETKF(m, j, X0, P, enM, R, enH, n=10)
# Use correct forecast, analyze, forward. Check the prefixes ex) etforward() != forward()
for i in tqdm(range(k),desc="Filtering"):
if i % c == 0:
y = np.random.multivariate_normal(H(xt[:,i+1]).T, R).reshape((j,1)) # observations with error
Ys = np.column_stack((Ys, y))
Ys = np.column_stack((Ys, np.array([np.inf]*j)))
# filter.RMSDSave(filter.X_cStack, xt)
# "<filter.plot_all(...)>"
# "<filter.plot_RMSD()>"
used file: