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Releases: CADWRDeltaModeling/pyhecdss


12 Feb 05:22
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fixes for pandas deprecations and other minor issues

Fix for time window parsing #19

15 Mar 15:52
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Fix for issue #19 Thanks to Zack Leady for finding and report it!

Fixed for pandas out of bounds timestamp: issue #16

22 Feb 05:10
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fixes for issue #16: pandas timestamp limitations

Compatible with pandas 1.0.0

05 Feb 14:25
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Fixed issue-15 to make it compatible with pandas 1.0.0

Fixed issue with end of timestamp writing to dss files for "PER-*" data type

18 Oct 16:18
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Fixed issue with end of timestamp writing to dss files for "PER-*" data type

Fixes issue #8

13 Oct 00:59
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For linux using the latest compilers for gcc/gfortran/g++ fixed crashes when linking with at runtime

Partial fixes for offset

07 Oct 19:03
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Partial fixes for offset: Fixed for INST-* timeseries but not PER-* timeseries (issue #12)

Fixed end of timestamp storage and crashing issue

19 Sep 16:17
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Performance tests added to showcase pyhecdss is the fastest
Fixed issue #10: Period data stored shifted to end of time stamp (HEC-DSS convention)
Fixed issue #9: Check for missing directories before opening DSS file (avoids crashes)

Release after Henry's pull request

05 Sep 23:06
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issues warnings or throws exception based on return value from functions
fixed minor typo(s), added tests,

Some enhancements and a bug fix

04 Sep 23:07
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Fixed time periods to be interpreted correctly when dealing with 'PER-AVG' or 'PER-VAL'
Added functions to set message level (verbosity), read DSS file version number and set program name when writing to DSS files.