Dockerized kindyn & cardsflow RViz with ROS1 & ROS2 support
- To build the Docker image, clone this repository, navigate to its root and run
docker build -t ros1-bridge-roboy .
- To instantiate a Docker container with
image run
xhost local:root
docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:0} -ti -d ros1-bridge-roboy bash
The above command will automatically launch necessary ROS nodes with required display settings and open RViz after about 5 seconds.
- To test the motion of Roboy3, from your ROS2 terminal run
ros2 topic pub /roboy/pinky/control/joint_targets sensor_msgs/msg/JointState "{name: ["shoulder_left_axis0"], position: [-0.5] }"
- To bridge further topics or services between ROS1 and ROS2 edit
and rebuild the container.