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Mod manager for the game CrossCode!
Open the menu from the options menu and look for the Mods button.
Read the in-game manual in the help menu for usage instructions.

Mod icon grid


Screenshot of the Online tab sorted by the mod star count

Screenshot of the mod options submenu for the mod CrossedEyes

For mod developers

Option types



    type: 'CHECKBOX',
    init: true,
    /* optional */ changeEvent() {
        // code
    name: 'My checkbox',
    description: 'My least favorite button.',



    type: 'BUTTON_GROUP',
    init: 0 /* option1 */,
    enum: { option1: 0, option2: 1 },
    buttonNames: ['Option 1', 'Option 2'],
    name: 'My buttons',
    description: 'My (not really) favorite button group.',
// Or with an enum variable
const myenum = {
    option1: 0,
    option2: 1,
/// ...
    type: 'BUTTON_GROUP',
    init: myenum.option1 /* option1 */,
    enum: myenum,
    buttonNames: ['Option 1', 'Option 2'],
    name: 'My buttons',
    description: 'My beloved button group.',



    // Creates a slider that displays values from 1 to 8
    type: 'OBJECT_SLIDER',
    init: 1,
    min: 0.8,
    max: 1.5,
    step: 0.1,
    fill: true,
    name: 'Slider',
    description: 'My somewhat favorite slider.',


    // Creates a slider that displays values from 0% to 100%
    type: 'OBJECT_SLIDER',
    init: 0.5,
    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    step: 0.1,
    fill: true,
    showPercentage: true,
    thumbWidth: 50, // Force the thumb width to 50px
    name: 'Percentage slider',
    description: 'My (maybe) somewhat favorite slider.',


    // Creates a slider that displays values from 4 to 13 
    type: 'OBJECT_SLIDER',
    init: 7,
    min: 4,
    max: 13,
    step: 1,
    fill: true,
    customNumberDisplay(index) {
        const num = this.min
        return num + index
    name: 'Number slider',
    description: 'My (definitely) somewhat favorite slider.',



    type: 'BUTTON',
    onPress() {
        // code
    name: 'Button',
    description: 'My favorite button.',



    type: 'INFO',
    name: 'Hello to all!\n<-- New line.'



    type: 'CONTROLS',
    init: { key1: ig.KEY.I },
    // If false, the keybinding only works in-game
    // If true, the keybinding works everywhere
    global: false,
    pressEvent() {
        // keybinding pressed! I will trigger only once
        // code
    holdEvent() {
        // keybinding is pressed now! I will trigger every frame the key is pressed
        // code
    name: 'My keybinding',
    description: 'Does something I guess.',


    type: 'JSON_DATA',
    init: 123,
    /* optional */ changeEvent() {
        // code

Full example


// for typescript:
// import type * as _ from 'ccmodmanager/types/plugin'

const Opts = modmanager.registerAndGetModOptions(
        modId: 'my-mod', // the same as the `id` field in `ccmod.json`
        title: 'My mod', // the same as the `title` field in `ccmod.json`
        general: {
            settings: {
                title: 'General', // tab title
                tabIcon: 'general', // icon id
            headers: {
                'My header title': {
                    myCheckbox: {
                        type: 'CHECKBOX',
                        init: true,
                        name: 'My checkbox',
                        description: "It's initialized as true by default.",
                    myEnum: {
                        type: 'BUTTON_GROUP',
                        init: 0 /* option1 */,
                        enum: { option1: 0, option2: 1 },
                        buttonNames: ['Option 1', 'Option 2'],
                        name: 'My buttons',
                        description: 'Hello.',
                    mySlider: {
                        // Creates a slider with the following text:
                        // 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                        // that resolve to the following values:
                        // 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
                        type: 'OBJECT_SLIDER',
                        init: 1,
                        min: 0.8,
                        max: 1.5,
                        step: 0.1,
                        fill: true,
                        showPercentage: false /* Show the values as % (example: 0.9 => 90%) */,
                        name: 'Slider',
                        description: 'My somewhat favorite slider.',
                    myButton: {
                        type: 'BUTTON',
                        onPress() {
                            console.log('Button presssed!')
                        name: 'Button',
                        description: 'My favorite button.',
                    myInfo: {
                        type: 'INFO',
                        name: 'Hello!',
                    myKeybinding: {
                        type: 'CONTROLS',
                        init: { key1: ig.KEY.I },
                        // If false, the keybinding only works in-game
                        // If true, the keybinding works everywhere
                        global: false,
                        pressEvent() {
                            console.log('keybinding pressed!')
                        name: 'Keybinding',
                        description: 'Does something I guess.',

                    // JSON_DATA is not visible in the menu
                    myNumberStorage: {
                        type: 'JSON_DATA',
                        init: 123,
                    myJsonStorage: {
                        type: 'JSON_DATA',
                        init: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },

// Usage
Opts.myCheckbox // boolean
Opts.myEnum // 0 | 1
Opts.mySlider // 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
// Opts.myInfo is not accessible, since it does not store data
// Opts.myKeybinding is not accessible, since it does not store data

Opts.myNumberStorage // number
Opts.myJsonStorage.a // number
Opts.myJsonStorage.b // number
Opts.myJsonStorage.c // number
/* Invalid code: */
// Opts.myJsonStorage.a = 2 // The stored data is read-only, you need to override the whole object
/* This is how you do it: */
Opts.myJsonStorage = { ...Opts.myJsonStorage, a: 2 }

Other examples

  • (javascript) cc-staircase-effect-fix as an example of INFO, CHECKBOX and OBJECT_SLIDER
  • (typescript) cc-fancy-crash as an example of BUTTON_GROUP and CHECKBOX
  • (typescript) cc-record as an example of OBJECT_SLIDER and CONTROLS
  • (typescript) CCModManager as an example of JSON_DATA and BUTTON
  • (typescript) CrossedEyes as an example of a big multi-tab menu with a custom language getter

Building CCModManager

git clone
cd CCModManager
pnpm install
pnpm run start
# this should return no errors (hopefully)
npx tsc