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Rest API service implementation for accessing cess storage system.


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CESS-GATEWAY · GitHub license Go Reference

CESS-Gateway is a service that using REST API specification for accessing CESS cloud storage.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you find out any system bugs or you have a better suggestions, Please send an email to, we are happy to communicate with you.

System Requirements

  • Linux-amd64

Build from source

Step 1: Install common libraries

Take the ubuntu distribution as an example:

sudo apt update && sudo upgrade
sudo apt install make gcc git curl wget vim util-linux -y

Step 2: Install go locale

CESS-Gateway requires Go1.19 or higher.

See the official Golang installation instructions If you get stuck in the following process.

  • Download go1.19 compress the package and extract it to the /use/local directory:
sudo wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
  • You'll need to add /usr/local/go/bin to your path. For most Linux distributions you can run something like:
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  • View your go version:
go version

Step 3: Build a gateway

git clone
cd cess-gateway/
go build -o gateway cmd/main.go

If all goes well, you will get a program called gateway.

Get started with gateway

Step 1: Register a polka wallet

Browser access: App implemented by CESS Explorer, and add an account.

Step 2: Recharge your polka wallet

If you are using the test network, Please join the CESS discord to get it for free. If you are using the official network, please buy CESS tokens.

Step 3: Prepare configuration file

Use gateway to generate configuration file templates directly in the current directory:

sudo chmod +x gateway
./gateway default

The content of the configuration file template is as follows. You need to fill in your own information into the file. By default, the gateway uses conf.toml in the current directory as the runtime configuration file. You can use -c or --config to specify the configuration file Location.

#The rpc address of the chain node
RpcAddr           = ""
#The port number on which the cess-gateway service listens
ServicePort       = "8081"
#Phrase or seed for wallet account
AccountSeed       = ""
#Email address
EmailAddress      = ""
#Email authorization code
AuthorizationCode = ""
#Outgoing server address of SMTP service
SMTPHost          = ""
#Outgoing server port number of SMTP service
SMTPPort          = 0

Our testnet rpc address is as follows:

Step 4: Buy space package for your account

There are five types of space packages, represented by 1 to 5.

  • Package 1 means purchasing 10GiB space and the cost is 0;
  • Package 2 means purchasing 500GiB space;
  • Package 3 means purchasing 1TiB space;
  • Package 4 means purchasing 5TiB space;
  • Package 5 means that the purchased space exceeds 5TiB, and an integer greater than 5 needs to be specified;

Buy space operation:

./gateway buy [1,2,3,4,5] [6~]

Step 5: Start the gateway service

sudo nohup ./gateway run 2>&1 &

Other usage guidelines for gateway

Upgrade space package

The space package can only be upgraded from low-level to high-level, and cannot be downgraded. Take the upgrade of package 1 to package 2 as an example:

./gateway upgrade 2

Space Package Renewal

By default, the space package is only valid for 1 month, and each renewal will add a month of validity.

./gateway renewal

View space package details

./gateway space

Usage for gateway API

The public API endpoint URL of CESS-Gateway is the server you deploy, All endpoints described in this document should be made relative to this root URL,The following example uses URL instead.


The CESS-Gateway API uses bearer tokens to authenticate requests.

Your tokens carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret tokens in publicly accessible locations such as a GitHub repository, client-side code, and so forth.

The bearer token is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a login request. The client must send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources:

Authorization: token
  • Token information
field description
UserId User ID
CreateUserTime The unix time when the user was created
CreateTokenTime The unix time when the token was created
ExpirationTime The unix time when token expires
Mailbox User's email address
RandomCode Random code
  • Token generation

The token is generated by the CESS-Gateway service. Each CESS-Gateway service has its own pair of public and private keys. The public key is used to encrypt the token information, and then base64 is used to encode the ciphertext to obtain the final token.

Get token

POST /auth

The authorization interface is used to generate user tokens.

The user uploads his own email address and a captcha (the captcha should be written as 0 when uploading for the first time). If the email address is not authorized, CESS-Gateway will send a captcha to the mailbox. After the user gets the captcha in the mailbox, upload it again. CESS-Gateway generates a token for it and sends it to the mailbox,the validity of the token is 30 days.

If the mailbox uploaded by the user has been authorized, CESS-Gateway will check whether its token has expired. If it expires, CESS-Gateway will generate a new token and send it to its mailbox.

  • Request Header
field value
Content-Type application/json
  • Request Body
field value
mailbox your mailbox address
captcha captcha received by mailbox
  • Responses

Response Schema: application/json

status code structure description
200 OK code:200
msg Enum:["success","captcha has expired and a new captcha has been sent to your mailbox","A new token has been sent to your mailbox"]
data Enum:["","token"]
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Enum:["HTTP error","Email format error","captcha error","Please check your email address and whether to enable SMTP service"]
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
curl URL/auth -X POST -d '{"mailbox": "", "captcha": 0}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Upload a file

PUT /{filename}

The put file interface is used to upload files to the cess system. You need to submit the file as form data and use provide the specific field. If the upload is successful, you will get the fid of the file.

  • Request Header
field value
Authorization token
  • Request Body
field value
file file[binary]
  • Responses

Response Schema: application/json

status code structure description
200 OK code:200
msg Default:"success
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Default:"HTTP error"
401 Unauthorized code:401
msg Enum:["Unauthorized","token expired"]
403 Forbidden code:403
msg Enum: ["duplicate filename","not enough space","The file is in hot backup, please try again later."]
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server internal chain data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
# curl -X PUT URL/test.log -F 'file=@test.log' -H "Authorization: token"

Download a file

GET /{fid}

The get file interface downloads the file in the CESS storage system according to the fid.

  • Responses

The response schema for the normal return status is: application/octet-stream

The response schema for the exception return status is: application/json, The message returned by the exception is as follows:

status code structure description
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Enum:["HTTP error","This file has not been uploaded"]
401 Unauthorized code:401
msg Enum:["Unauthorized","token expired"]
403 Forbidden code:403
msg Enum: ["Token is not valid","Token expired"]
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server internal chain data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
curl -o {filename} -X GET -L URL/{fid}

Delete a file

The delete file interface is used for delete a put file.

DELETE /{fid}
  • Request Header
field value
Authorization token
  • Responses

Response Schema: application/json

status code structure description
200 OK code:200
msg Default: "success"
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Default: "HTTP error"
401 Unauthorized code:401
msg Enum:["Unauthorized","token expired"]
404 Not Found code:404
msgDefault: "This file has not been uploaded"
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
curl -X DELETE URL/{fid} -H "Authorization: token"

List previous operation

GET /files

List the previously put files, and display the 30 files closest to the current time by default. It also supports searching by page.

  • Request Header
field value
Authorization token
  • Query Parameters
field description
size type:
Specifies the maximum number of uploads to return,up to 1000.
page type:
Specifies the number of puts on which page to return.
  • Responses

Response Schema: application/json

status code structure description
200 OK code:200
msg Default:"success"
data:[file name list]
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Default: "HTTP error"
401 Unauthorized code:401
msg Enum:["Unauthorized","token expired"]
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
curl -X GET URL/files -H "Authorization: token"

View file status

GET /state/{fid}

View file status (size, status, name).

  • Responses

Response Schema: application/json

status code structure description
200 OK code:200
msg data:{"Size","State","Names"}
400 Bad Request code:400
msg Default: "HTTP error"
404 Not Found code:404
msgDefault: "Empty"
500 Internal Server Error code:500
msg Enum: ["Server internal data error","Server unexpected error"]
  • Request example
curl -X GET URL/state/{fid}


Licensed under Apache 2.0


Rest API service implementation for accessing cess storage system.







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