A julia module to apply the information bottleneck for clustering when dealing with categorical data. It is now part of the package CategoricalTimeSeries.jl
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The information bottleneck concept can be used in the context of categorical data analysis to do clustering,
or in other words, to look for categories which have equivalent functions.
Given a time-series, it looks for a concise representation of the data that preserves as much meaningful information as possible.
In a sense, it is a lossy compression algorithm. The information to preserve can be seen as the ability to make predictions :
given a specific context, how much of what is coming next can we predict ?
The goal of this algorithm is to cluster categorical data while preserving predictive power. To learn more about the information bottleneck
you can look at https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.00268 or https://doi.org/10.1080/09298215.2015.1036888
To do a simple IB clustering of categorical data do as follow, you just need to instantiate a model and optimize it:
data = readdlm("/path/to/data/")
model = IB(x) #you can call IB(x, beta). beta is a real number that controls the amount of compression.
Then, to see the results :
Rows are clusters and columns correspond to the input categories. The result is the probability p(t|x)
of a category belonging to a given cluster. Since most of the probabilities are very low, print_results
sets every p(t|x)
> 0.1 to 1, 0 otherwise for ease of readability (see further usage for more options).
Here is a concrete example with a dataset chorales from Bach. The input categories are the 7 types of diatonic chords described in classical music theory.
bach = CSV.read("..\\data\\bach_histogram")
pxy = Matrix(bach)./sum(Matrix(bach))
model = IB(pxy, 1000) #You can also instantiate 'model' with a probability distribution instead of a time-series.
The output is in perfect accordance with western music theory. It tells us that we can group category 1, 3 and 6 together : this corresponds to the tonic
function in classical harmony. Category 2 and 4 have been clustered together, this is what harmony calls subdominant
. Finall category 5 and 7 are joined : this is the dominant
You can choose between the original IB algorithm (Tishby, 1999) which does soft clustering or the deterministic IB algorithm (DJ Strouse, 2016) doing hard clustering. The former seems to produce more meaningfull clustering. When instantiating a model IB(x::Array{Float64,1}, β = 200, algorithm = "IB")
, change the argument algorithm
to "DIB" to use the deterministic IB algorithm.
The two most important parameters for this kind of IB clustering are the amount compression and the definition of relevant context.
The amount of compression is governed by the parameter
which you provide when instantiating an IB modelIB(x::Array{Float64,1}, β = 200, algorithm = "IB")
. The smallerβ
is, the more compression. The higherβ
, the bigger the mutual information I(X;T) between cluster and original category is.
There are two undesirable situations :- if
is too small, maximal compression is achieved and all information is lost. - if
is too high, there is effectively no compression. With "DIB" algorithm, this can even happen even forβ
> ~5. In the case of the "IB" algorithm this doesn't happen, however forβ
values > ~1000, the algorithm doesnt optimize anything because all metrics are effectively 0. In practice, when using the "IB" algorithm, a highβ
value (~200) is a good starting point.
- if
The definition of context is essential to specify what the meaningfull information to preserve is. The default behavior is to care about predictions, context is defined as the next element. For example, if we have a time-series
x = ["a","b","c","a","b"]
, the context vector y isy = ["b","c","a","b"]
. We try to compressx
in a representation that share as much informations withy
as possible. Other definition of the context are possible : one can take the next element and the previous one. To do that that you would call :
data = CSV.read("..\\data\\coltrane")
context = get_y(data, "an") # "an" stands for adjacent neighbors.
model = IB(data, context, 500) # giving the context as input during instantiation.
To get the value of the different metrics (H(T), I(X;T), I(Y;T) and L) use the calc_metrics(model::IB)
Since the algorithm is not 100% guaranteed to converge to a global maxima, you can use the search_optima!(model::IB, n_iter = 10000)
to initialize and optimize your model n_iter
times and select the optimization with the lowest L
value. This is an in-place modification so you do not need to call IB_optimize!(model::IB)
after calling search_optima!
If you want to get the raw probabilities p(t|x)
after optimization (print_results
filters it for ease of readability), you can access them with :
pt_x = model.qt_x
Similarly, you can also get p(y|t) or p(t) with model.qy_t
and model.qt
Finally, the function get_IB_curve(m::IB, start = 0.1, stop = 400, step = 0.05; glob = false)
lets you plot the "optimal" IB curve. Here is an example with the bach chorale dataset:
using Plots
bach = CSV.read("..\\data\\bach_histogram")
pxy = Matrix(bach)./sum(Matrix(bach))
model = IB(pxy, 1000)
x, y = get_IB_curve(model)
a = plot(x, y, color = "black", linewidth = 2, label = "Optimal IB curve", title = "Optimal IB curve \n Bach's chorale dataset")
scatter!(a, x, y, color = "black", markersize = 1.7, xlabel = "I(X;T) \n", ylabel = "- \n I(Y;T)", label = "", legend = :topleft)
If you used this module in a scientific publication, please consider citing the package it came from:
title={CategoricalTimeSeries. jl: A toolbox for categorical time-series analysis},
author={Nelias, Corentin},
journal={Journal of Open Source Software},
Using Pkg
Using IntegerIB
Special thanks to Nori jacoby from whom I learned a lot on the subject. The IB part of this code was tested with his data and reproduces his results.
The present implementation is adapted from DJ Strouse's paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.00268 and his python implementation.
- improve display of results (with PrettyTables.jl ?)
- Implement simulated annealing to get global maxima in a more consistent fashion.