- Python is really the best programming language (IMO) and has awesome libraries!!These days, I discovered out the
folium package/library
that allows you to get interactive maps with marker, parachutes and much more!! Besides, you can save these interactive maps in HTML format and include it in your web page!!
- Python 3.7 version or later;
- Folium package/library.
Downloading the Packages
- Open the terminal and tip:
pip install folium
Running the Code
- Download the source code;
- Open cmd and go to Python Code's Folder;
- Tip:
python interactive_map.py
- A file called
will be downloaded in your computer. Open it in any browser and have fun!
- Testes: try out changing latitude and logitude of location parameter to find another places!!
Email: csfelix08@gmail.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/
Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/
Portfolio: CSFelix.io