Note: Skip this step if you already have a Linux system installed that is available for setup the CQL Sandbox.
In Oracle VirtualBox:
- Download Ubuntu Desktop 18.04
- Create a Linux VM:
- name: CQL Sandbox
- memory: 2048
- cpu: 1
- Storage: 20GB
- Install Ubuntu (select default options)
- After Restart, Update the packages
sudo apt update sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Check the path for the java install.
sudo update-alternatives --config java
It should show /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
. If there are more Java options, select the option with java-8-openjdk-amd64
sudo nano /etc/environment
Add the following content to the end of the file and save it.
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
Setup the environment variables
source /etc/environment
Check the content of JAVA_HOME
It should show: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
sudo apt install git curl maven gradle npm python
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn
sudo npm install --global coffeescript
sudo npm install -g foreman
sudo apt install mongodb
sudo systemctl status mongodb
Note: The package
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install it.
Download HAPI-FHIR version 3.6.0
Create a folder to install HAPI-FHIR
mkdir ~/hapi
Extract the zip file to the new folder
unzip -d ~/hapi
Start the HAPI-FHIR with FHIR DSTU2. For FHIR STU3 change the parameter -v
to dstu3
~/hapi/hapi-fhir-cli run-server -v dstu2 --allow-external-refs &
Open the internet browser and check if HAPI is running at http://localhost:8080
. It will show Software
= HAPI FHIR Server - 3.6.0
and FHIR Base
= http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2/
Download the examples zip file.
Install the examples. Change the version and URL to dstu3
as needed.
~/hapi/hapi-fhir-cli upload-examples -d -t http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2 -v dstu2
Refresh the browser at http://localhost:8080
. The number of resources will be updated. It might take a minute or two to update (depending on the VM configuration).
Upload StructureDefinition, ValueSet and CodeSystem definitions for the server to act as Conformance/Terminology server. Change the version and URL to dstu3
as needed.
~/hapi/hapi-fhir-cli upload-definitions -t http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2 -v dstu2
Refresh the browser to see the added ValueSet and StructureDefinition. It might take a minute or two to update (depending on the VM configuration).
Select the Patient
Resources and click button Search
. Scroll down to see the information about the first patient (Name: Sandy Notsowell, ID: EXpat4).
Note: The package
Python 2.7
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install it.
Navigate to the home folder and clone the clinFHIR repository
cq ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder and start the application
cd clinFHIR
./ &
Check if HAPI-FHIR is running at http://localhost:8000/launcher.html
In Current Server (top right), click Add Server
and enter the following information:
- URL = http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2/
- FHIR Version = STU-2
- Select Support $everything
- Select Is Terminology Server
Click on the button Test
to test the connection with the server. If correct, the following message will be displayed:
Conformance resource returned. Server can be added
Click Edit
and setup "Data Server", "Conformance Server", and "Terminology Server" to LOCAL CQL SANDBOX DSTU2
. Click the button Save
. It will show the message:
The servers that clinFHIR will access has been updated for all modules
Click Patient Viewer
(the first link in Main modules tab) and click the button Select Patient
In the Search for Patient screen, type "Sandy" and click the Search button. This is one of the patients in HAPI-FHIR. It should find:
Sandy Notsowell female 1982-08-02
Click the patient name (Sandy Notsowell female 1982-08-02) to open the Patient Viewer page.
Click on Resource Types Patient
and then Patient resources
to view details about this patient.
clinFHIR is now connected to the HAPI-FHIR.
Note: The packages
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install them.
Navigate to the home folder and clone the cql_execution_service repository
cd ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder and install the service
cd cql_execution_service
mvn install
Start the service. Change the port if needed.
mvn -Djetty.http.port=8081 jetty:run &
Check if the service is running at http://localhost:8081
Create a file body.json
with parameters code
, fhirServiceUri
, dataServiceUri
and patientId
that will be sent to the Engine API.
nano body.json
Add the following code to the file.
"code": "library test\nusing FHIR version '1.0.2'\ncontext Patient\ndefine age: AgeInYears()",
"fhirServiceUri": "http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2",
"dataServiceUri": "http://localhost:8080/baseDstu2",
"patientId": "EXpat4"
The parameter code
is the CQL expression logic. In this example, it will create a variable age
that is calculated by invoking the function AgeInYears()
. The parameter fhirServiceUri
and dataServiceUri
are the addresses for the FHIR server, and the parameter patientId
is the unique identifier of the patient. The engine uses this ID to retrieve patient data from the FHIR server.
Send a request to the CQL Engine to process the code using data for the patient specified.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data @body.json \
--output output.txt \
Check the file output.txt to see the result. It should show information about the patient Sandy Notsowell
as a JSON document.
cat output.txt
The last line shows the patient age as requested by the CQL artifact:
Note: You can also test this CQL Engine API using Postman.
Note: The packages
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install them.
Navigate to the home folder and clone the AHRQ-CDS-Connect-CQL-SERVICES repository
cd ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder and install the service.
Note: This engine requires a UMLS account (username and password) to allow access to the valueSets. Visit the website UMLS to request an account.
Set the environment variables for the UMLS account. Change the values with your username and password.
export UMLS_USER_NAME='myusername'
export UMLS_PASSWORD='mypassword'
Start the engine
yarn start &
Check if the engine is running at http://localhost:3000
. Notice that it has already four CQL libraries loaded.
To test the engine, run the command below. It will send to the API the patient data (in FHIR format) and the name of the library (CQL artifact)to be used to analyze the data. The patient data is located at ~/AHRQ-CDS-Connect-CQL-SERVICES/test/examples/exec
, and the expression logic is a JSON file (USPSTF_Statin_Use_for_Primary_Prevention_of_CVD_in_Adults_FHIRv102
) stored in the folder localRepository
node client exec-post -e http://localhost:3000/api/library/USPSTF_Statin_Use_for_Primary_Prevention_of_CVD_in_Adults_FHIRv102/version/1.0.0 -m ~/AHRQ-CDS-Connect-CQL-SERVICES/test/examples/exec/unhealthy_patient.json
As a result, the engine will provide a recommendation tailored to the patient information, including a rationale for the recommendation.
"results": {
"Recommendation": "Start low to moderate intensity lipid lowering therapy based on outcome of shared decision making between patient and provider",
"Rationale": "The USPSTF found adequate evidence that use of low- to moderate-dose statins reduces the probability of CVD events (MI or ischemic stroke) and mortality by at least a moderate amount in adults aged 40 to 75 years who have 1 or more CVD risk factors (dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, or smoking) and a calculated 10-year CVD event risk of 10% or greater.",
"Errors": null
The engine provides a list of returnable expressions that can be requested.
Before installing the next type of CQL Engine, we will need a tool to convert a CQL file into an ELM file (JSON).
Note: The package
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install it.
Navigate to the home folder and clone the clinical_quality_language repository
cd ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder and build the application
cd clinical_quality_language/Src/java/cql-to-elm
gradle build
gradle :cql-to-elm:installDist
Create an alias for the cql-to-elm command to be used anywhere withou informing the path.
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Add the following command to the end of the .bashrc file
alias cql-to-elm="~/clinical_quality_language/Src/java/cql-to-elm/build/install/cql-to-elm/bin/cql-to-elm"
Make permanent change
. ~/.bashrc
Create a sample file (age.cql) to test the cql-to-elm converter.
nano age.cql
Add the following code and save the file.
library AgeAtMP version '1'
using QUICK
parameter MeasurementPeriod default Interval[DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
context Patient
define InDemographic:
AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) >= 2 and AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) < 18
Convert the age.cql CQL file. The command has parameters for the format of output file (COFFEE, XML or JSON) and the paths for the input and output.
cql-to-elm --format=JSON --input ./age.cql --output .
cql-to-elm --format=COFFEE --input ./age.cql --output .
cql-to-elm --format=XML --input ./age.cql --output .
Note: For the next step, we will use the JSON format only.
Note: The packages
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install them.
Navigate to the home folder and clone the cql-execution repository
cd ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder and install the package
cd cql-execution
yarn install
Create a sample cql file, or copy the file created in step 7
sudo nano age.cql
Add the following code:
library AgeAtMP version '1'
using QUICK
parameter MeasurementPeriod default Interval[DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
context Patient
define InDemographic:
AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) >= 2 and AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) < 18
Convert the CQL file to JSON.
cql-to-elm --format=JSON --input ./age.cql --output .
Create an execution script
nano src/
Add the following code. It loads the age.json file and creates the PatientSource as a FHIR Bundle. HOwever, you can also use the CQL as a COFFEE file. In this case, convert the CQL to COFFEE and uncomment the line #elmFile = require './age'
fs = require('fs');
path = require('path');
cql = require './cql'
elmFile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'age.json'), 'utf8'));
#elmFile = require './age' # use this line for CQL converted to COFFEE
lib = new cql.Library(elmFile)
executor = new cql.Executor(lib)
psource = new cql.PatientSource [ {
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"id": "example1",
"meta": {
"versionId": "1",
"lastUpdated": "2014-08-18T01:43:30Z"
"base": "",
"entry" : [{
"resource": {
"id" : "1",
"meta" :{ "profile" : ["patient-qicore-qicore-patient"]},
"resourceType" : "Patient",
"identifier": [{ "value": "1" }],
"name": {"given":["John"], "family": ["Smith"]},
"gender": "M",
"birthDate" : "1980-02-17T06:15"}
}, {
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"id": "example1",
"meta": {
"versionId": "1",
"lastUpdated": "2014-08-18T01:43:30Z"
"base": "",
"entry" : [{
"resource": {
"id" : "2",
"meta" :{ "profile" : ["patient-qicore-qicore-patient"]},
"resourceType" : "Patient",
"identifier": [{ "value": "2" }],
"name": {"given":["Sally"], "family": ["Smith"]},
"gender": "F",
"birthDate" : "2007-08-02T11:47"}
} ]
result = executor.exec(psource)
console.log JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2)
Compile the files
cake build
Execute the script to test the application
node lib/age-exec
Check the result displayed on the screen. Based on the logic in the CQL file, the first patient will have variable InDemographic: False
and the second patient will have the variable as InDemographic: True
Note: The packages
must be installed. Please check Step 2 above for details on how to install them.
must be running. Check the status with the command:
sudo systemctl status mongodb
Navigate to the home folder and clone the AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool repository
cd ~
git clone
Navigate to the repository folder
cd AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool
Install the Node Foreman
yarn add global foreman
Install dependencies to the backend API server
cd ~/AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool/api
Install dependencies to the frontend Web application
cd ~/AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool/frontend
Navigate to the project folder and configure authentication.
cd ..
cp api/config/minimal-example.json api/config/local.json
cp api/config/example-local-users.json api/config/local-users.json
Check the content of the local-users.jason file to see, change or add credentials
nano api/config/local-users.json
Start the application
nf start &
The system will open the browser and load the page at http://localhost:5100
Click on the Login button (top right) and inform a username and password from the whitelist
Note: Run this shell script after reboot or start the CQL Sandbox VM to load all the services create in the previous steps.
To run the script, open the terminal and type:
Navigate to the home folder and create a script file
cd ~
Add the following content. Replace the UMLS username and password with your information.
# Starting HAPI-FHIR
~/hapi/hapi-fhir-cli run-server -v dstu2 &
# Starting ClinFHIR
cd ~/clinFHIR
./ &
# Starting cql_execution_service
cd ~/cql_execution_service
mvn -Djetty.http.port=8081 jetty:run &
# Setup UMLS account
export UMLS_USER_NAME='username'
export UMLS_PASSWORD='password'
# Starting AHRQ CQL Engine
yarn start &
# Staring the AHRQ CDS Authoring Tool
cd ~/AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool
nf start &
Make the file executable
chmod 755