This project creates a sandbox with open source tools that can support Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Clinical Quality Language (CQL) standards for developing and testing Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools.
The sandbox will be a Linux Virtual Machine (VM) running on the Oracle VM VirtualBox and includes instances of the following tools:
- CQL Engines
- CQL Translator
- FHIR Server
- FHIR Profiling
- CQL Authoring Tool
- Hooks/Triggers
- Apps
Note: The instructions below are based on the original documentation of these projects. Please visit the links above for the sources and more details about installation.
- Step 1: Create the CQL Sandbox VM
- Step 2: Install required packages
- Step 3: Install FHIR Server (HAPI-FHIR)
- Step 4: Install FHIR Profiling Tool (clinFHIR)
- Step 5: Install the CQL Engine: cql_execution_service
- Step 6: Install the CQL Engine: AHRQ-CDS-Connect-CQL-SERVICES
- Step 7: Install the CQL to ELM translator
- Step 8: Install the CQL Engine: cql-execution
- Step 9: Install AHRQ-CDS-Connect-Authoring-Tool
- Step 10: Create a Shell Script to load the services
- Step 11: CDS Hooks
- Step 12: SMART on FHIR