Global Adaptation meets Local Generalization: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Wenhao Chai, Zhongyu Jiang, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang
ICCV 2023.
Here I provide the core code for the proposed method, which can be easily merged into any existing code framework.
Global position alignment is designed to eliminate the domain gap in viewpoints, which is simple yet efficient. After that, the scale and location distributions of the 2D poses of the source dataset can be migrated to distributions of target dataset.
def gpa(source_3d, target_2d, camera_params):
source_3d [N x J x 3]
3D poses in source domain in meter
target_2d [N x J x 2]
2D poses in target domain after screen normalization (-1, 1)
camera_params [N x 4]
in order cx, cy, fx, fy
processed by (fx, cx) = (fx, cx) * 2 / w
(fy, cy) = (fy, cy) * 2 / h
i.e. in 3DHP fx, fy ~= 1.5; cx, cy ~= 0
assert source_3d.shape[:2] == target_2d.shape[:2], "poses should have same size"
# create pairs randomly
index = torch.randperm(target_2d.shape[0])
target_2d = target_2d[index]
# calculate 2d box
w = torch.max(target_2d[..., 0], dim=-1)[0] - torch.min(target_2d[..., 0], dim=-1)[0]
h = torch.max(target_2d[..., 1], dim=-1)[0] - torch.min(target_2d[..., 1], dim=-1)[0]
s = (w + h) / 2
# calculate 3d box
dx = torch.max(source_3d[..., 0], dim=-1)[0] - torch.min(source_3d[..., 0], dim=-1)[0]
dy = torch.max(source_3d[..., 1], dim=-1)[0] - torch.min(source_3d[..., 1], dim=-1)[0]
# calculate z
fx, fy = camera_params[0, :2]
z = (fx * dx + fy * dy) / (2 * s)
# process with camera params
target_2d[..., 0, :] -= camera_params[..., 2:4] # c
target_2d[..., 0, :] /= camera_params[..., :2] # f
u, v = target_2d[..., 0, 0], target_2d[..., 0, 1]
# calculate x, y
x, y = z * u, z * v
x, y, z = x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), z.reshape(-1, 1)
# give a new position to source data
position = torch.stack([x, y, z], dim=1).reshape(-1, 1, 3)
source_3d = source_3d - source_3d[:, :1, :] + position
return source_3d
We show performance boosting in various backbone (mlp, conv, gcn). Source domain: Human3.6M, target domain: MPI-INF-3DHP.
Method | MPJPE ( |
PCK ( |
AUC ( |
SemGCN [1] | 95.96 | 80.68 | 48.48 |
+ GPA | 86.56 (-9.4) | 83.85 (+3.2) | 50.98 (+2.5) |
SimpleBaseline [2] | 81.23 | 85.85 | 53.95 |
+ GPA | 69.19 (-12.0) | 89.90 (+4.1) | 58.50 (+4.6) |
ST-GCN [3] | 81.19 | 85.92 | 53.78 |
+ GPA | 74.41 (-6.8) | 88.58 (+2.7) | 55.52 (+1.7) |
VideoPose3D [4] | 82.55 | 85.71 | 53.35 |
+ GPA | 66.07 (-16.5) | 90.87 (+5.2) | 60.07 (+6.7) |
The distribution visualization before and after GPA.
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title={Global Adaptation meets Local Generalization: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Human Pose Estimation},
author={Chai, Wenhao and Jiang, Zhongyu and Hwang, Jenq-Neng and Wang, Gaoang},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16456},
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