Hideaki Uchiyama, Takafumi Taketomi, Sei Ikeda and Joao Paulo Silva do Monte Lima, "Abecedary Tracking and Mapping: a Toolkit for Tracking Competitions," Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pp.198-199, 2015.
- OpenCV 3.1
- cvsba
- CMake 2.8 (or other versions may be OK) from http://www.cmake.org/
- Visual Studio 2015 (or other IDEs may be OK)
- OpenCV 3.1 from http://opencv.org/
- Set dll path (e.g. opencv/build/x64/vc14/bin if use VS 2015 and 64 bit compiler) to environment variable (PATH)
- CLAPACK (clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE.tgz) from http://www.netlib.org/clapack/
- cvsba (cvsba-1.0.0.tgz) from http://www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/39
- Set clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE to "Where is the source code"
- Set clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE/build to "Where to build the binaries"
- Press Configure and Generate
- Open clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE/build/CLAPACK.sln and compile it in Release mode
- Set ATAM to "Where is the source code"
- Set ATAM/build to "Where to build the binaries"
- Press Configure
- Set OpenCV_DIR to opencv/build/
- Press Configure
- Set CLAPACK_DIR to clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE/build/
- Press Configure and Generate
- Check SHOW_LOG if output log on console window
- Check USE_MULTITHREAD if use multi threads for BA
- Check USE_CHESSBOARD if use a chessboard for camera calibration, otherwise a dot pattern
- Check USE_PGR if use a point grey camera, otherwise use a camera with OpenCV
- Set PGR_INCLUDE_DIR to C:/Program Files/Point Grey Research/FlyCapture2/include (depends on where Flycapture is installed)
- Set PGR_LIB to C:/Program Files/Point Grey Research/FlyCapture2/lib64/FlyCapture2.lib (depends on where Flycapture is installed)
Set a target project (CameraCapture, CameraCalibration and ATAM) as StartUp Project when initially open each .sln
- Open ATAM/build/proj/CameraCapture/CameraCapture.sln, compile and run it
- May need to change mDeviceID to 1 or 2 at line 12 in Cam.cpp for a USB camera on laptop
- Press space to start saving video and press space again to stop saving, and press q to close
- Check ATAM/data/movie.avi
- Print opencv/sources/doc/pattern.png on a A4 paper (acircles_pattern.png if uncheck USE_CHESSBOARD)
- Need to change size in CCalibration::CCalibration() or call CCalibration::SetSize() if use different size
- Open ATAM/build/proj/CameraCalibration/CameraCalibration.sln, compile and run it
- Press space to capture images from different viewpoints several times, and press q to close
- Check ATAM/data/camera.xml
- Open ATAM/build/proj/ATAM/ATAM.sln and modify
- line 95 in cvsba.cpp as
int nconstframes = imagePoints.size() > 2 ? 2 : 1; //mcon - line 233 in cvsba.cpp as
//throw cv::Exception(8888, "Error occured during Sba optimization", "Sba::run", __FILE__, __LINE__);
return -1; - line 636 in sba_levmar.c as
//return SBA_ERROR; - Compile and run it
- Ignore warning in cvsba
- Press space to start, translate a camera and press space (initialization)
- Press space to capture a calibration board from different viewpoints at least twice (registration)
- Press n if new points not appear (manually add a new keyframe)
- Press n if relocalization not work (manually change view for relocalization)
- Press c to visualize next challenge point
- Press r to reset
- Press q to close
Dot colors
Blue: new points
White: mapped points
Red (small): projected mapped points
MAXPTS: number of keypoints by ORB
LEVEL: number of pyramid levels for ORB
DESCDIST: maximum distance between two ORB descriptors for judging as a correct match (between 0 and 256)
BASEANGLE: criterion for adding a new keyframe (degree)
BAKEYFRAMES: number of keyframes for local bundle adjustment (e.g. more than 2)
PROJERR: maximum reprojection error for inlier (pixel)
MINPTS: minimum number of points for judging as stable tracking (e.g. not good if less than 20)
PATCHSIZE: size of patch for KLT (pixel)
MATCHKEYFRAME: minimum inlier ratio (inliers/matches) for keypoint matching in matching with keyframes (between 0 and 1)
RELOCALHIST: number of last keyframes used for relocalization (more than 1)
USEVIDEO: 1 if use video, otherwise 0 (use video saved with CameraCapture)
VIDEONAME: file name for video
CAMERANAME: file name for camera parameters
ATAM/data/challenge.txt for challenging points is
1 0 1 10
7 5 12 1
11 53 34 5
19 11 21 9
Number of challenge points
ID1 X1 Y1 Z1
ID2 X2 Y2 Z2
ID3 X3 Y3 Z3
ID4 X4 Y4 Z4 -
If initialization failed, translate more and press space again
If tracking failed, move the camera to fit edges
Once run and close ATAM, can modify parameters in ATAM/data/params.xml