A tool for generating Apollo OpenDRIVE maps from OpenStreetMap data
Apollo is an architecture for autonomous driving developed by Baidu. They have made a modified version of the OpenDrive standard to suit their needs better.
This project aims to create a tool for generating maps in the Apollo version of the OpenDrive specification using data from OpenStreetMap.
usage: osm2od.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-z ZONE] [-p] file
positional arguments:
file Input filename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Manually set lane numbers and widths based on road
-z ZONE, --zone ZONE UTM zone, example: -z 32V
-p, --pretty Prettify output
Road name, Number of lanes, Lane width (meters)
Sem Sælands Vei, 1, 5