This gem generates an XML file of your website's projects for Two streams are available :
- History ( : Downloads a file containing all projects.
- Current ( : Downloads a file containing all ongoing projects.
In your Gemfile
gem 'bpi', git: ""
In app/controllers/home_controller.rb :
include Bpi
def history
@projects = xml_builder(Project.all, "history")
send_data @projects.to_xml,
:type => "text/xml; charset=UTF-8;",
:disposition => "attachement; filename=#{Rails.application.config.bpi.reference_partenaire}_historique.xml"
def current
@projects = xml_builder(Project.all, "current")
send_data @projects.to_xml,
:type => "text/xml; charset=UTF-8;",
:disposition => "inline; filename=#{Rails.application.config.bpi.reference_partenaire}.xml"
In app/models/project.rb
You have to set the get_project_data method, which will contain a hash with the url an cover photo url of your project. The two keys must be called url and photo.
For instance, Fundovino has the following paths.
def get_project_data
url: "{ id }-#{ to_s.parameterize }",
photo: "{get_image_projects_path id: id, attribute: 'project_id'}"
In config/routes.rb :
get 'bpi/xml/historique' => 'home#history'
get 'bpi/xml/current' => 'home#current'
In config/application.rb :
config.bpi.reference_partenaire = 'your reference partenaire'
If you don't know the partner reference for your website, send a mail to
You also have to set a dictionary, because each attribute's name may be different between two given projects. Some are mandatory, some are optinal. Here is the list :
- reference_projet : the id of your project
- impact_social : OUI / NON
- impact_environnemental : OUI / NON
- impact_culturel : OUI / NON
- impact_eco : OUI / NON Note that your project cannot have more than two impacts, but must have a least one.
- categorie1 (optional)
- categorie2 (optional)
- mots_cles_nomenclature_operateur (optional) : key words
- mode_financement (mandatory) : DON, DOC, PRE, PRR, ACT, OBL
DON => Don sans contrepartie
DOC => Don avec contrepartie
PRE => Prêt non rémunéré
PRR => Prêt rémunéré
ACT => Actions
OBL => Obligations
- type_porteur_projet (mandatory) : ENT, ASS, PAR, COL
ENT => Entreprise
ASS => Association
PAR => Particulier
COL => Collectivités locales
- qualif_ESS (mandatory) : OUI / NON
- code_postal (mandatory)
- ville (optional)
- titre (mandatory)
- description (mandatory)
- url (mandatory)
- url_photo (mandatory)
- date_debut_collecte (mandatory) : YYYY-MM-DD
- date_fin_collecte (mandatory) : YYYY-MM-DD
- montant_recherche (mandatory)
- montant_collecte (mandatory)
- time_ended? : your method that checks if the project has ended
- accept? : your method that checks if the project has been accepted
- success? : your method that checks if the project collect was a success
- failure? : your method that checks if the project collect was a failure
For instance, Fundovino uses the dictionary below
config.bpi.dictionary = {
'reference_projet' => :id,
'titre' => :title_fr,
'ville' => :localisation,
'description' => :presentation,
'date_debut_collecte' => :created_at,
'date_fin_collecte' => :end_date,
'montant_recherche' => :amount,
'montant_collecte' => :collected_amount,
'code_postal' => :zip_code,
'time_ended?' => :time_ended?,
'accept?' => :accept?
'success?' => :success?
'failure' => :failure?
It also works with attributes in nested hashes, for instance :
config.bpi.dictionary = {
'ville' => localisation: :city,
If one of the attributes is not present in your database (and thus cannot put it in the dictionary) like above, you can set it manually in the default hash :
config.bpi.default = {
'impact_social' => "NON",
'impact_environnemental' => "OUI",
'impact_culturel' => "NON",
'impact_eco' => "OUI",
'categorie1' => "22",
'categorie2' => "41",
'mode_financement' => "DOC",
'type_porteur_projet' => "PAR",
'qualif_ESS' => "NON",
'url_historique' => "026_historique"
Here is the table of categories and there corresponding code.
- 01 Enfance / Education
- 02 Dépendance et Exclusion
- 03 Santé - Bien-être - Sport
- 04 Solidarité
- 21 Technologie
- 22 Commerce - Service (de proximité)
- 23 Industrie
- 24 Immobilier
- 41 Alimentation
- 42 Biodiversité
- 43 Energies Renouvelables
- 44 Transport - Ville Durable
- 61 Musique
- 62 Vidéo - Cinéma - Photo
- 63 Multimédia - Jeux
- 64 Spectacle Vivant
- 65 Mode - Design
- 66 Edition - Journalisme
- 67 Cuisine
- 68 Beaux Arts et Patrimoine