- Introduction
- Data workflow
- Importing data and connecting to databases: HDX, Kobo, relational databases
- Data wrangling (& transformation): Handling long xlsForms
- Exploring datasets: Data quality checks, visualisations
- Communicating: Automating PDF reports, static and interactive dashboards
- R’s pros & cons
- Going further
- Popular beginner course in Coursera
- Datacamp: On demand interactive courses from beginner to expert (also Python, SQL, PowerBi and others)
- R for the rest of us: Courses (some free), case studies and inspirational interviews form folks for whom R changed their life (!!!)
- R for Data Science: Free ebook covering all the essentials of data wrangling, exploration, communication
- R packages guide: A good introduction on how packages work and which are the most popular
- A discussion on R security questions
- Visualisation with ggplot2: lots of graphics examples with code, and beautiful maps using ggplot here
- Create animated graphics and export them in GIF
- Cheat sheets for the most popular libraries. Published by RStudio and regularly updated
- Guide to colour palettes in R
- Meet Hadley Wickham, a celebrity in the R community and author of some of the most popular libraries