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Mapnik style notes

Mark Tehver edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 3 revisions


Mapnik style definitions are a common file format for map styles, based on XML. It was originally created for Mapnik, but is used by other software, such as our Mobile SDK. The file format specifications are located in this XMLConfigReference document. There are several ways you can apply these styles:

  1. Use CARTO provided styles (note: as of Carto Mobile SDK 4.1, built-in styles are using CartoCSS, not Mapnik XML any more)

  2. Modify the style.xml, located inside the sample style, with your own edits

  3. Create your own styles using a Mapnik editor tool

    Note: It is recommended to use the free MapBox Studio Classic tool, which uses CartoCSS for primary style definitions. While the Mobile SDK does not use CartoCSS styles, you can modify and export Mapnik XML styles to be compatible with the Mobile SDK.

Mapnik Limitations

Please note the following limitations with Mapnik style formats.

  • There are no built-in fonts, fonts must be explicitly added to the project

  • Loading SVG icons is not supported, such icons should be converted to PNG format (Mapnik provides a svg2png utility)

  • Original layer ordering is not always preserved, texts are always drawn on top of 2D geometry. 3D buildings are drawn on top of texts

  • Layer opacity works per element, not per layer as in Mapnik. For non-overlapping elements, the result will be same. For overlapping elements, there are likely artifacts

  • comp-op feature is not supported (neither is layer/symbolizer)

  • line-join parameter is ignored, only miter line join is used

  • GroupSymbolizer and RasterSymbolizer are currently not supported

  • Text characters are rendered individually. If characters overlap, the halo of one character may cover glyph of another character. The suggested workaround is to increase spacing, or decrease the halo radius

Note: The Mobile SDK does not implement 100% of the tags and features of Mapnik. This lists just a few of the Mapnik limitations, there are additional Mapnik XML features that are not standard. If you need some an unimplemented styling option, please contact us.

Creating Vector Style Packages

CARTO vector styles are distributed as zip-archives. All style-related files and folders must be placed into a single zip file.

The most important part of the style is the style definition file, typically named project.xml. This file contains style descriptions for all layers, and usually references other files, such as fonts, icons, and pattern bitmaps (which should be placed in various subfolders).

Vector Style Performance

When using vector styles, the following recommendations are suggested for optimal performance:

  • Multiple symbolizers per layer may have very large performance hits. If possible, move each symbolizer into separate layer

  • BuildingSymbolizer requires an expensive OpenGL frame buffer read-back operation, and may perform very poorly on some devices (such as the original iPad Retina)

  • To increase performance, it is suggested to use power-of-two dimensions for bitmaps

SDK Extensions for Mapnik XML style files

The following CARTO specific extensions are specific to Mapnik XML style files.


NutiParameters describe additional parameters that can be used in styles and controlled in the code (from MBVectorTileDecoder).

  • Parameters are typed, have default values and can be used as variables within nuti namespace in the style (for example, [nuti::lang])

  • Some parameters may have _ prefix in their name. Such variables are reserved and should not be updated directly by the application

The following is a simple example of NutiParameters section, located in the style xml file:

{% highlight xml %} <NutiParameters> <NutiParameter name="lang" type="string" value="en" /> </NutiParameters> {% endhighlight %}


Metavariables add support for dynamic variable look-up. Variable names may depend on other variables. For example, [name_[nuti::lang]].

If the value of nuti::lang is 'en', this metavariable expression would be equal to [name_en] expression.

Conditional Operator

Conditional operator ?: adds support for simple control flow management. It is similar to C language conditional operator and can be used in all expressions. For example:

[nuti::lang] == 'en' ? 'English' : 'Other'

3D Texts and Markers

Mapnik MarkersSymbolizer and TextSymbolizer support additional values nutibillboard for placement parameter. This enables texts and markers to act as billboards (always facing the viewer), even when screen is tilted. This option can be used to give markers and texts more '3D-like' appearance. For example,

<MarkersSymbolizer placement="nutibillboard" fill="#666666" file="icon/[maki]-12.svg" />

Supported Symbolizers and Parameters

The following lists contains all supported symbolizers and parameters for vector styles:

  • PointSymbolizer: file, opacity, allow-overlap, ignore-placement, transform

  • BuildingSymbolizer: fill, fill-opacity, height, geometry-transform

  • LineSymbolizer: stroke, stroke-width, stroke-opacity, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, stroke-dasharray, geometry-transform

  • LinePatternSymbolizer: file, fill, opacity, geometry-transform

  • PolygonSymbolizer: fill, fill-opacity, geometry-transform

  • PolygonPatternSymbolizer: file, fill, opacity, geometry-transform

  • MarkersSymbolizer: file, placement, marker-type, fill, opacity, width, height, spacing, allow-overlap, ignore-placement, transform

  • TextSymbolizer: name, face-name, fontset-name, placement, size, spacing, fill, opacity, halo-fill, halo-opacity, halo-radius, allow-overlap, minimum-distance, text-transform, orientation, dx, dy, wrap-width, wrap-before, character-spacing, line-spacing, horizontal-alignment, vertical-alignment

  • ShieldSymbolizer: name, face-name, fontset-name, placement, size, spacing, fill, opacity, halo-fill, halo-opacity, halo-radius, allow-overlap, minimum-distance, text-transform, orientation, dx, dy, wrap-width, wrap-before, character-spacing, line-spacing, horizontal-alignment, vertical-alignment, file, shield-dx, shield-dy, unlock-image

Map options

In addition to normal Mapnik Map attributes, SDK supports north-pole-color and south-pole-color attributes. These are used in globe view mode.