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To run the benchmarks the following dependencies are needed:

  • JDK17+ (with $JAVA_HOME variable configured)
  • Async profiler in case profiling is activated. By default it is deactivated.
  • ENV variable $GRAAL_COMPILER pointing to your Graal compiler root folder.

How to run the benchmarks.

In the root of the project execute the command.

./gradlew [clean] jmh

How to configure the benchmark environment

The file benchmark/build.gradle configures the benchmark behavior.

All the configuration parameters are contained inside the jmh configuration block.

jmh {
   includes = ['some regular expression'] // include pattern (regular expression) for benchmarks to be executed
   excludes = ['some regular expression'] // exclude pattern (regular expression) for benchmarks to be executed
   iterations = 10 // Number of measurement iterations to do.
   benchmarkMode = ['thrpt','ss'] // Benchmark mode. Available modes are: [Throughput/thrpt, AverageTime/avgt, SampleTime/sample, SingleShotTime/ss, All/all]
   batchSize = 1 // Batch size: number of benchmark method calls per operation. (some benchmark modes can ignore this setting)
   fork = 2 // How many times to forks a single benchmark. Use 0 to disable forking altogether
   failOnError = false // Should JMH fail immediately if any benchmark had experienced the unrecoverable error?
   forceGC = false // Should JMH force GC between iterations?
   jvm = 'myjvm' // Custom JVM to use when forking.
   jvmArgs = ['Custom JVM args to use when forking.']
   jvmArgsAppend = ['Custom JVM args to use when forking (append these)']
   jvmArgsPrepend =[ 'Custom JVM args to use when forking (prepend these)']
   humanOutputFile = project.file("${project.buildDir}/results/jmh/human.txt") // human-readable output file
   resultsFile = project.file("${project.buildDir}/results/jmh/results.txt") // results file
   operationsPerInvocation = 10 // Operations per invocation.
   benchmarkParameters =  [:] // Benchmark parameters.
   profilers = [] // Use profilers to collect additional data. Supported profilers: [cl, comp, gc, stack, perf, perfnorm, perfasm, xperf, xperfasm, hs_cl, hs_comp, hs_gc, hs_rt, hs_thr, async]
   timeOnIteration = '1s' // Time to spend at each measurement iteration.
   resultFormat = 'CSV' // Result format type (one of CSV, JSON, NONE, SCSV, TEXT)
   synchronizeIterations = false // Synchronize iterations?
   threads = 4 // Number of worker threads to run with.
   threadGroups = [2,3,4] //Override thread group distribution for asymmetric benchmarks.
   timeout = '1s' // Timeout for benchmark iteration.
   timeUnit = 'ms' // Output time unit. Available time units are: [m, s, ms, us, ns].
   verbosity = 'NORMAL' // Verbosity mode. Available modes are: [SILENT, NORMAL, EXTRA]
   warmup = '1s' // Time to spend at each warmup iteration.
   warmupBatchSize = 10 // Warmup batch size: number of benchmark method calls per operation.
   warmupForks = 0 // How many warmup forks to make for a single benchmark. 0 to disable warmup forks.
   warmupIterations = 1 // Number of warmup iterations to do.
   warmupMode = 'INDI' // Warmup mode for warming up selected benchmarks. Warmup modes are: [INDI, BULK, BULK_INDI].
   warmupBenchmarks = ['.*Warmup'] // Warmup benchmarks to include in the run in addition to already selected. JMH will not measure these benchmarks, but only use them for the warmup.

   zip64 = true // Use ZIP64 format for bigger archives
   jmhVersion = '1.35' // Specifies JMH version
   includeTests = true // Allows to include test sources into generate JMH jar, i.e. use it when benchmarks depend on the test classes.
   duplicateClassesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.FAIL // Strategy to apply when encountring duplicate classes during creation of the fat jar (i.e. while executing jmhJar task)

Configure async profiler

Async profiler doesn't work out of the box with this JMH plugin and it has to be configured in the ext block.

ext {
    jmhVersion = '1.34'
    asyncProfilerPath = '<async-profiler-dir>/build/'
    HEAP_SIZE = '2g'

By default, the profilers field is commented inside the jmh block.


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