Libary for repeated execution of functions at specific times.
Every minute, when seconds 5 and 34 are reached:
task = RepTaskOrg(second=[5, 34]) # 00:00:05, 00:00:34, 00:01:05, ...
Every day, when hours 2, 8 and 12 and seconds 5 and 34 are reached:
task = RepTaskOrg(hour=[2, 8, 12], second=[5, 34]) # 02:00:05, 02:00:34, 08:00:05, ...
Every year, at the first second of may:
task = RepTaskOrg(month=[5]) # 2021.05.01 00:00:00, 2022.05.01 00:00:00, ...
Every monday at 8 am:
task = RepTaskOrg(weekday=[0], hour=[8]) # 2021.05.03 08:00:00, 2022.05.10 08:00:00, ...
Every day in week 18 at 8 am:
task = RepTaskOrg(week=[18], hour=[8]) # 2021.05.03 08:00:00, 2022.05.04 08:00:00, ...
For installation use Pypi:
pip install reptaskorg
or pip3 install reptaskorg
If you have no time-consuming tasks in your main loop RapTaskOrg is a good solution.
import datetime
import time
from reptaskorg import RepTaskOrg
def do_something(alarm_number):
print('{} - ALARM {}'.format('%H:%M:%S:%f'), alarm_number))
def main():
# Define tasks with desired time stamps.
task_1 = RepTaskOrg(second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
task_2 = RepTaskOrg(
minute=[37, 39],
second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
# Call Task repeatedly to keep it up to date.
while True:
# Outputs true as soon as the target time is reached
if task_1.check_task():
if task_2.check_task():
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you have time-consuming tasks in your main loop use RepTaskOrgTH. Here a separate thread is started for each task.
import datetime
import time
from reptaskorg import RepTaskOrgTH
def do_something(alarm_number):
"""Function which should be executed repeatedly."""
print('{} - ALARM {}'.format('%H:%M:%S:%f'),
def do_anotherthing(alarm_number, alarm_comment):
"""Function which should be executed repeatedly with multiple arguments."""
print('{} - ALARM {} {}'.format('%H:%M:%S:%f'),
def main():
# Define tasks with desired time stamps.
task_1 = RepTaskOrgTH(do_something, 1, second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
# Define multiple arguments for given function at task
task_2 = RepTaskOrgTH(do_anotherthing, 2, 'test_2', minute=[33, 34, 36], second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
# Main-loop for other tasks
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can stop and restart task-threads by:
# stop task
# restart task
Information on the set timer are showed by:
# show one parameter
# show all set parameters
By default, the Libary uses the current system time. You can set a UTC-time-offset by:
task_1 = RepTaskOrg(second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50], offset_hour=0, offset_minute=0)
task_2 = RepTaskOrgTH(do_something, 1, second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50], offset_hour=0, offset_minute=0)
# United States (Pacific Time Zone) = UTC -08:00
task_3 = RepTaskOrg(second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50], offset_hour=-8, offset_minute=0)
task_4 = RepTaskOrgTH(do_something, 1, second=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50], offset_hour=-8, offset_minute=0)
You can define a task with the arguments in the following chapters.
year (list, optional): valid year. Defaults to None.
month (list, optional): valid month. Defaults to None.
week (set, optional): valide week. Defaults to None.
weekday (set, optional): valide day of week. Defaults to None.
day (list, optional): valid day. Defaults to None.
hour (list, optional): valid hours. Defaults to None.
minute (list, optional): valid minute. Defaults to None.
second (list, optional): valid second. Defaults to None.
offset_hour (int, optional): valide hour for offset. Defaults to 0.
offset_minute (int, optional): valide minute for offset. Defaults to 0.
function (function): function to execute.
function_arguments (tuple): parameters of the given function.
year (set, optional): valid year. Defaults to None.
month (set, optional): valid month. Defaults to None.
week (set, optional): valide week. Defaults to None.
weekday (set, optional): valide day of week. Defaults to None.
day (set, optional): valid day. Defaults to None.
hour (set, optional): valid hour. Defaults to None.
minute (set, optional): valid minute. Defaults to None.
second (set, optional): valid second. Defaults to None.
offset_hour (int, optional): valide hour for offset. Defaults to 0.
offset_minute (int, optional): valide minute for offset. Defaults to 0.
- Fix typo
- Check current run-status
- Testing implemented
- Stable Release
- Exception TimemachineError introduced
- Minor changes of the documentation in the code
- Show all set parameters with task.set_timer
- Bugfix if only weekday was set
- Introduction weeks as argument
- Introduction weekday as argument
- Introduction UTC - offset as argument
- Revision of the documentation
- Initial release
MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Cedric Klimt