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by: CenturyBoys

This project has as goal help developers to not reimplemented default queue consumer behaviour.


Romeways works with two basic concepts queue handler and queue connector. The queue connector is a queue consumer and can be spawned in a separate process or in async worker. The queue handler is the callback function that will be called for each retrieved message.

Here you can see all implemented consumer:

Queue Type Install using extra description
multiprocessing.Queue memory here
Apache Kafka kafka here

How to install extra packages?

poetry add romeways -E memory
pip install 'romeways[memory]'


Queue connector config

The queue connector config is all configurations that you need to be able to retrieve messages from the queue.

Bellow are the romeways.GenericConnectorConfig implementation. This class can be inheritance to allow extra configurations.


  • connector_name: str For what connector this queue must be delivered
from dataclasses import dataclass

@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
class GenericConnectorConfig:
    connector_name: str Connector name
    connector_name: str

Queue handler config

When you register a queue consumer you are setting configs and a callback handler for each message that this queue receives.

Bellow are the romeways.GenericQueueConfig implementation. This class can be inheritance to allow extra configurations.


  • connector_name: str For what connector this queue must be delivered
  • frequency: float Time in seconds for retrieve messages from queue
  • max_chunk_size: int Max quantity for messages that one retrieve will get
  • sequential: bool If the handler call must be sequential or in asyncio.gather
from dataclasses import dataclass

@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
class GenericQueueConfig:
    connector_name: str For what connector this queue must be delivered
    frequency: float Time in seconds for retrieve messages from queue
    max_chunk_size: int Max quantity for messages that one retrieve will get
    sequential: bool If the handler call must be sequential or in asyncio.gather
    connector_name: str
    frequency: float
    max_chunk_size: int
    sequential: bool

Resend on error

Romeways allow you to resend the message to the queue if something in your handler do not perform correctly. For that your code need tho raise the romeways.ResendException exception, the message will be resent to the same queue and the romeways.Message.rw_resend_times parameter will be raized

Spawn a process

Romeways can run each connector in a separate process or in async workers for that use the parameter spawn_process to configure that.


For this example we are using the extra package memory

from multiprocessing import Queue

import romeways

# Config the connector
queue = Queue()

# Create a queue config
config_q = romeways.MemoryQueueConfig(

# Register a controller/consumer for the queue name
@romeways.queue_consumer(queue_name="queue.payment.done", config=config_q)
async def controller(message: romeways.Message):

config_p = romeways.MemoryConnectorConfig(connector_name="memory-dev1")

# Register a connector
    connector=romeways.MemoryQueueConnector, config=config_p, spawn_process=True