Repo supporting a wide range of analysis for the NZ GREEN Grid project.
If you're looking for the NZ GREEN Grid Household electricity demand data which was collected and archived as part of this project then you need our data repo.
This repo follows the structure of an R package and can be built & run as such. You can do this in various ways:
- manual build & install from github:
- clone the repo from
- open the project file in RStudio and use the Build -> Install and Restart menu item. Be aware that it might fail if you do not have all the required packages. If so, install them from the RStudio packages tab.
- automatic build & install from github:
and thendevtools::install_github("CfSOtago/GREENGrid")
If you are using the household electricity demand data you may also need to install our data package using devtools::install_github("CfSOtago/GREENGridData")
Various draft data anlaysis notebooks:
- early demand response analysis using GREEN Grid data
- heat pump analysis using GREEN Grid data
- lighting analysis using GREEN Grid data (well, sort of)
- test analysis of Otago Medical School energy use data using GREEN Grid data (well, sort of)
- ripple control in New Zealand using submissions to the NZ Commerce Commision
You also might be interested in other related projects:
- GREEN Grid Data
- Electric Vehicle charging patterns
- Analysis of New Zealand's electricity system GHG emissions over time
The development of the code in this repo has been supported by:
- The University of Otago
- The New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
- The EU via SPATIALEC - a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship based at the University of Otago’s Centre for Sustainability (2017-2019) & the University of Southampton's Sustainable Energy Research Group (2019-202).
Read the License file.